XXMagicianX8 #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

Hit a wall with my Shadower / So I've been playing for ages and recently came back after a hiatus to hit 200 (woohoo). You guys are probably sick of these threads but I was wondering what to do now as I've hit a wall of 177k range fully buffed with 5 stacks of coin. I understand that all people really do in this level range is train to 210 or boss but it takes me 10 minutes to do normal gollux and with some difficulty. I can't seem to finish the commerci boss before the timer runs out either so that's out of the picture. Not to mention I've only got 60 mil and Tyrants are like 1b+ a piece so I don't know what to do anymore. Farm easy Commerci?

General Shadower

Whats the easiest way to fund a Shadower? Hey guys, I'm looking to get back into maple. My Shadower is 122 and I haven't played him in 4 years due to getting hacked twice. All I have left are some untradable rings and a Targa helm :L Luckily however, my friend has offered to fund me 2 bil to start up my char again. While Maple is down, I thought I'd take this moment to ask you guys what I should spend this money on to semi-fund my char so it can do damage again and how much it'd cost to fund him fully. Thaanks