

Xalimis #Chat Talk

General Chat

You Got Caught Well i just read a thread about a guy getting caught with some weed... And im sure every one has been caught doing something. Lets hear the worst thing you ever got caught doing. And please lets try to keep this "basil appropriate" For me i was pulled over for speeding and the Police Officer asked for my License and Registration, so i gave it too him expecting to get a ticket or a warning since that was the first time i got pulled over. Little did i know that he comes back and asks me my name, i told him my name. Then he shows me my license and i accidentally gave him my fake ID ( i am only 17)... So lets say the rest of that week was a little rough.

General Chat

Most Memorable Gaming Console Now, this isnt a thread to make people debate and argue what is best. This is a thread where i would like for you to share IN YOUR OPINION what your favorite and most memorable gaming console that you have ever played or owned. For me it would have to be a PlayStation 2, because back when i was alot younger i would go over to my older cousins house after school and they would be playing different classics like Kingdom Hearts, Bounty Hunter, Mercenaries and others. It was more fun watching them play and talking with them than actually playing. Now that i have shared mine, Lets hear some of yours and why its so memorable to you.

General Chat

How to get this girls attention Hey, so i have this problem. About 5 years ago my older sister met and soon befriended this girl. I have had a crush on her ever since. We do talk and get along, but we dont really have any 1 on 1 conversations. Its really hard to get her talk to her because she is very beautiful. I have trouble getting her attention when were around guys her age(im 16, she is 19). How do get her attention and really just get her to notice me more? Thanks for your input. :)