XxSparkehxX #Chat Talk

General Chat

What are your medical stories? In light of recent personal events i'd like to ask the members of basil about any interesting medical stories involving themselves that they might have. I've had a rough year and i'd like to know what other people have gone through! Myself: Yesterday after a four month investigation i had an appointment with a neurosurgeon in Melbourne, and much to my surprise they told me they had found a tumor in my brain. It's done permanent damage already and i'll forever need hormone replacement (Testosterone and others) and i'll always have Cranial Diabetes Insipidus. Theyre hoping to treat the tumor with radiation while starting me on hormone therapy. I've also got a sinus disease in my nose making it hard for me to bre

General Chat

The Universe is amazing. [header] Disclaimer: These are simply my own thoughts and my personal perception of The Universe.[/header] [b]1.[/b] It started. [i]We don't know how, but it's here.[/i] [b]2.[/b] It's constantly changing. [b]3.[/b] Earth was created. [*1] [i]Most likely by dust, rocks, gases, etc, being pulled towards each other by gravitational forces (larger objects will attract the smaller objects, becoming larger and having even more of a stronger gravitational pull on smaller objects. Smaller objects also pull on the larger objects.) Eventually this creates a large, rock body.[/i] [b]4.[/b] Stars work as the natural factories of the universe. Fusing atoms together to create different elements such as Helium, Carbon, Lead, Sili

General Chat

Customizing my pizzas Since I work at the pizza shop and I'm getting pizza tomorrow, what should I get? I'll probably get four different pizzas and I need recommendations on a mixup of ingredients that might taste awesome! Ingredients to choose from are basically the standard pizza stuff, with some extra things like sundried tomatoes, beef, spaghetti... I'll eat pretty much anything, as long as it doesn't have any seafood! So, I would appreciate any suggestions of pizzas! Two of my current favourites are: BBQ sauce, cheese, ham, salami, bacon and cheese. Tomato sauce, cheese, ham, mushroom, capsicum, olives, pineapple, salami, cheese and tomato sauce on top.

General Chat

What are your medical stories? In light of recent personal events i'd like to ask the members of basil about any interesting medical stories involving themselves that they might have. I've had a rough year and i'd like to know what other people have gone through! Myself: Yesterday after a four month investigation i had an appointment with a neurosurgeon in Melbourne, and much to my surprise they told me they had found a tumor in my brain. It's done permanent damage already and i'll forever need hormone replacement (Testosterone and others) and i'll always have Cranial Diabetes Insipidus. Theyre hoping to treat the tumor with radiation while starting me on hormone therapy. I've also got a sinus disease in my nose making it hard for me to bre

General Chat

The God Delusion I got this book for Christmas today and i've been reading it a lot. It's amazing and discusses everything with religion, using fair points and logical arguments. I plead to all people, religious or not, to pick up this book and read through it. It's so insightful and interesting to learn the origins of a lot of these things (such as morality without god/s, points towards a god/s existence and points against) And also discusses a world without religion. Any theist who wouldn't read this book purely because of the topic it is based on is depriving themselves of valuable information, and blocking out all possible evidence that points against they're beliefs. (These kind of people are the ones who demand proof for the lack of a