

Xxtidus #Chat Talk

General Chat

how has acne ruin your life so far? HI... people so yea i made this thread to ask and wonder how has acne been playing a role in your life and how has it ruin it so far? well for me i been having acne since the end of 8th grade and now im in high school as a junior, im currently 17 right... and acne has pretty much ruin most of the last 3 years... acne has cause me to have very low self esteem and sometime even depression, and im not lying... dating is pretty much out of the question right now also...and i mean i do wanna have a relationship but having acne cmon so gal is gonna be attracted to that (ima guy by the way if ur wondering)... i hate taking picture so far right now also because of the pimples and acne scars on my face... going to