

Yumtoast #Chat Talk

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Purchasing Textbooks Has anyone else ever been scammed by college textbooks, or textbooks in general? I just painfully stubbed my toe on one that fell off my bookcase, and I realized that I've never actually legitimately used most of them. Though given I've only purchased 3 textbooks over the years, just a single book received use. The other two books are what I want to complain about: The first one is [url=http://i1.minus.com/iEfEAwxUdv1h5.jpg]Calculus, The Early Transcendentals[/url] which cost me $130 [b]loose leaf[/b]. "Oh, you'll use it for all tiers of calculus we teach here and it comes with a Web Assign key! It's a really good book!" the advisor told me. I was a first year at the time and cluelessly bought it. My professor

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Free Google Play Credits, 4realz Dawg No referrals, no petty surveys, or anything of that sort actually. Thank you based Samsung. First Walmart goofed up and mispriced their electronics, then Amazon sold GS4s for $200 off-contract, now Samsung? What a week for consumers. [url=http://i.imgur.com/86Qs6aS.png]I've made $400 in Play Credits in <1 hour, some people have made $1,500+. Buying as much as I can if Google decides to void everything.[/url] [header2]How to do it[/header2] 1. 2. Fill out the form 3. Receive $25 Google play promo [header2]FAQ[/header2] Q: I don't have a Samsung device/serial number! A: See below. Q: The serials don't work, what do I do? A: Change the 4th letter of the serial number from the left. You can use the whole