

Yumtoast #Site Talk

General Site

Its a miracle were still around I'll try to keep this short and concise considering the likelihood of this thread getting locked/deleted. We're stuck in a positive feedback loop and for two reasons: mods don't respond well to criticism, and Mr. B doesn't care. Users offer valid criticisms about the site in the form of a post/thread -> Mods interpret 90% of these criticisms as either suspension complaints/appeals or some other form of off-topic, suspension-worthy post -> They tell you to submit a ticket to Mr. B and promptly lock the thread or delete your post -> All further [possibly] engaging discussion ends, but again, mods will interpret this as stopping a thread before it gets out of hand -> Send a ticket to Mr. Basil ->

General Site

Embedding Images Long story made somewhat short: A long, long time ago, users could embed images in their posts. That didn't last long though, since the userbase at the time wasn't mature enough to handle the privilege; it was practically "I HERD U LEIK THE MUDKIPZ" image macros for a week, or however long the feature was enabled. We should bring it back, considering the percentage of older people has significantly increased over the past few years, and we've lost a majority of the Basil trolls. Of course since we [Basil] are pretty stupid as a whole, there would have to be some form of limitation e.g. only x-number of embeds a week (similar to the 1 poll per week limit), an account age restriction (similar to "your account h

General Site

Merging /91/ through /102/ Isn't it about time Mr. Basil merged /91/ all the way through /102/? It's obvious that BasilMarket doesn't have the userbase to have so many forum forks, so why do they exist? It's not as if it's particularly difficult to find a thread on this superded site in the first place. Instead of Combat Arms, Dragon Nest, Mabinogi, etc, we should simply have a general "Other Nexon Games" section. Rather than Pokemon, Minecraft, LoL, etc, there should just be a "Non-Nexon Games" section with the "Other Video Games" section included in it. The iOS/Android section should be merged with /51/ (Non-MS Tech Talk), and it's about time /50/ (Fun) rejoins /6/ (Chat), since they're practically the same t