

abNOtyx #Chat Talk

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Cultural Schizophrenia that I am suffering from. I was taught at a very young age that I should be happy for who I am, until recently a thought started dancing in my mind that saids "Sometimes, I wish I wasn't black." Every black family was thought at the age of 5 that we are the best race in the planet, and don't let others put you down because we are totally cool. I have no control of my blackness, but I will get surgery when I getthe money for it. For all of you who are curious, I will not pull a Michael Jackson. I will be Mexican and get a nEnrique Iglesias skin. Good day. <3

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This suspension is unjust Today I was late for school and my teacher asked me to solve every math problem in the board. I was astounded by this request because he is a Spanish teacher why would he want me to do math problems? I said I didn't want to do it because I have a broken rib and I can't solve math problems with a broken rib. She asked why did I have a broken rib? I coulda told her the truth that my friend's step dad abuses me when I sleep over at their house, but I took the high road and said " I tried to stop a mugging at the school's parking lot today, and saved the principal" she took me to the school monitoring room to watch the footage. There was no footage so I simply said that there was one but it happened to fat fo

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I need an advice My friend loves MapleStory jokes, in fact she loves them so much that when I told her that her grandmother will respawn in town in 10 minutes during her funeral she laughed very hard, tears came out of her eyes! but recently after she was sexually assaulted, shes been depressed and Im trying to cheer her up by coming up with a unique maple story joke. I was going to say "did you his rapist the finishing blow" or she plays an aran and I said " did he like your final blow" but it might be offensive to her. help please. btw she was blindfolded when she was sexually assaulted but I think it was her step father that did it, she took a picture of the rapist genitalia while hes doing it and ive seen his step fa

General Chat

How did the adventures of Huckleberry finn ended? I was reading the book and my house burned down along with the remaining chapters :[ I have no idea how it ended. In the end section of the Novel Tom already knows that Jim has been freed by Miss Watson. in view of this fact, how do you interpret his actions in the plan of escape. Is tom usually cruel to Jim by making him wait unnecessarily? why doesn't he tell Huck and Jim? Explain your answer Jim is often reffered to as a noble character in the novel. In what way is his nobility shown in the last few chapters? how does he show courage by helping the doctor? why does he do it? what price does he pay? support your answers with examples from the novel.