

I havent gone for a blood test in a while

Basically the title. I haven't gone for a blood test in a very long time. I have to go into a little bit of storytelling.

I've been afraid of shots all of my life. Its a phobia - completely irrational. There's just something about shots that makes me scared. It's not as severe a phobia as I have seen in other people, but its pretty bad since its takes about a week of mental preparation for me to go to the doctor's office for each yearly physical I have (since that's when I get my shots) and even then I'm still very scared. Blood tests were always a bit weird for me. I had been to a few standard blood tests when I was younger. I took another in 6th grade with the needle for children so that didn't hurt much even though I was scared.

Technically speaking, my first adult blood test was in 8th grade. Before the blood test, it took me about 1-2 days of mental preparation (my phobia wasn't as bad that time until after the experience I am now explaining). During the test, the nurse missed my vein with the needle and said she had to redo the blood test. That got me scared since I didn't really want to have to feel the needle go in me again. Then the nurse told me that my vein popped. I misunderstood that and thought she meant that my vein burst open since there was a significant amount of blood leaking from the initial puncture. I ended up fainting for about 15 seconds while the nurse put the needle in me the second time.

Anyways, that experience scared me a bit. I haven't gone to get blood work done in about 3 years now since I am a Junior in high school. The reason I'm so hesitant to get it done is partially because of my experience. I've only had to take one regular shot since the incident and that did not go to well either. I'm mainly afraid because blood tests are just like shots, except they actually hurt. Shots make me feel extremely uneasy and I get irrationally scared, but I recognize that they don't hurt. Blood tests, on the other hand, hurt like crazy to me...The anticipation of pain is what scares me the most.

Now that you've read my background..

One of my friends recently went to get a blood test. He was like me -- he hadn't gotten blood work done for 3-4 years and he was scared too. He didn't have a phobia like me though, so he went to get the blood test. The results came in and it turns out that he is near-diabetic and he needs to go on a strict diet. Now I feel a sudden sense of urgency since he ate much more healthy foods than I did.

As far as my medical history and eating habits, I've been allergic to eggs for as long as I can remember so I'm missing an essential protein. Also, I don't eat many fruits and vegetables. I just really dislike the taste of vegetables...the only ones I can stand to eat are cucumber, celery, and lettuce. I have maybe 3-4 apples a week but that's not really sufficient. Also, my family has a history of high cholesterol (which usually kicks in later in life -- 40 years +).

Anyways, what would you do in my predicament? When's the last time you had blood work done?

June 5, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


I remember the day when I was about 7 that I finally got over my fear of needles. I had to stay at the hospital for a few days and once I got the IV I thought, "Hey that doesn't even hurt too bad!" After that I didn't really get scared of needles anymore, though I get queasy if it's been a while. But I've had plenty of blood tests done over the past few months. Doctors thought I had lymphoma and the oncologist sent me for a total of about 12 blood tests, plus IV for CT scans. It was darn scary but I just had to tell myself that if it was lymphoma, blood tests would be nothing compared to the rest of the tests and the treatment (though thank goodness it did not turn out to be lymphoma).

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

[quote=UnFocusHero]last time was about 2 years ago if i remember
but blood tests doesn't hurt at all o,o
i've taken too many for my age
and one time the nurse missed my vein 5 times in a row, had to call another nurse in to do it
and even she missed 2 times before getting it
Anyways if you're really scared about having diabeties, you should go check it
otherwise, you'll never know unless you get ill or something ;p[/quote]

Wow yeah I'd die if the nurse missed my vein that many times...
And its not that I'm scared of being diabetic. The only thing is that my friends situation was a wake up call. But I still really don't wanna get a blood test done...I'm too scared kinda lolol

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

I can't remember the last one I had, but it probably wasn't too bad. I've always gotten queasy on the sight of blood and shots, especially together. If you don't get it now, you'll regret it.
Shots are one of those things that you don't wanna do it, but you'll regret it later if you don't. When I have to get shots, I just think how happy I'll be when it's over.
Besides, there are plenty of other people worse than you with a shot phobia. (Imagine being somebody that sees a needle and goes berserk, like 5 nurses having to hold you down, berserk ) Good luck. OH, and focus on something other than your shot while you're getting it.

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

lol, I've donated 3 pints of blood this school year I love donating

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

I just had one a few weeks back.

Just make sure to drink plenty of water so your veins are easy to find. You don't want the phlebotomist struggling to find them.

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

last time was about 2 years ago if i remember
but blood tests doesn't hurt at all o,o
i've taken too many for my age
and one time the nurse missed my vein 5 times in a row, had to call another nurse in to do it
and even she missed 2 times before getting it
Anyways if you're really scared about having diabeties, you should go check it
otherwise, you'll never know unless you get ill or something ;p

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

[quote=Texas]Just ask to be sedated before they stick you.[/quote]

Doesn't sedation require a shot lmaoo. And I never knew that was an option.

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

Awww. We can't do shots (alcohol) together ):

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited