

Why are Guild Emblems so hard to acquire?

Guild expansions are only 10k GP and an additional 10k everytime you expand however Guild Emblems are a huge 150k? I don't understand why.
How does a Guild Leader rack up enough GP to acquire an emblem?

June 29, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


I just remember when I made my first guild and it took forever cause no one was in Orbis and I needed the 6 people. My guild sucked so bad

Reply June 29, 2014

Actually it is more challenging .. and by the way.. 10k gp is only all the way up to 90 slots .. after that you need 90k gp per 10 slots up to 200 mine has 140 so far

Reply June 29, 2014

really unfair to people who make new guilds.

Reply June 29, 2014

Yeah, It makes me regret not expanding my guild to max before the patch. :l
I want more guild members, but I don't want to deal with people. ;-;

Reply June 29, 2014

It's quite ridiculous for guilds that just want to start out. Considering they only get to have 10 members. And gaining enough guild points for an expansion with only 10 members is also quite a task...

Reply June 29, 2014

GP is accumulated between every guild member, not just the leader, so it isn't too difficult if you have a decent sized active guild. Mine has 192k GP currently and I've burned through about 160k on the guild super megaphones.

Reply June 29, 2014