

How tanky do BaMs get?

How survivable can a battle mage become if they max all their defensive skills? I know they won't become like a paladin but how good do they get?

June 6, 2012

9 Comments • Newest first


Tankability means how well a character can take a hit. BaM's tanking abilities are 2nd to warrior classes.

Reply June 10, 2012

[quote=StaffNStuff]@Mystelteinn: You cant say that Defence or magic defence are as important for the survival rate as the defence from 1/1. if a BaM gets stunned then 1/1ed, He'll probably die (while shad wouldnt). however, the possibilty of shadower to die while a BaM wouldnt because of the BaM's higher def is really low... IMO the 1/1 dodge is the most important factor, so in MY rating shad will be above BaM. but as you just proved, this could be subjective.[/quote]

Even if 1/1 doesn't bring you down all the way to 1 HP, like it does for tons of other classes, it still brings your HP down, no? (not talking about dodging it, but preventing 1 hp, same as merc watershield). So, Stunned + 1/1 + Less defense = you probably will die from any contact damage or laz0r beam, even if not ''technically'' 1/1'd. So I guess defense would matter in this case, but not if the BaMs get 1/1'd (since a snail could finish you off).

As for overall tankability, except from skills which most classes die from anyways (1/1+stun combo and the likes), if you have more HP and more def, then ofc you can tank better (example : Arkariums hits).

For the dodge part, both classes have very similar dodging rates (% wise, about 5%? apart). But yeah, shads have innate dodge from high amounts of luck.

So i guess when it boils down to it, yeah, it's a matter of personal preference.

Yet, imho, techincally speaking, ''Tankability'' =/= ''Survivability. And the guy asked about tankability.

Edit : Yeah well, his title is confusing. In his title, he's asking about how tanky they can get, then he asks about survivability in his posts. I guess he doesn't realize that one doesn't always comes with the other...

Reply June 10, 2012 - edited

BaMs have a reasonable dodge rate, blue aura 1/1 glitch is gone, and having lots of invincibility buffs like twister spin and body boost along with blood drain certainly increases survivability. I can't tell you how many times I had low health at empress captains only to go twister and regain all of it back without chugging a potion.

Reply June 10, 2012 - edited

Hey does blue aura still kill you when ur doing a zak party?
Where it would kill just the BaM when zak 1/1s
since the blue arua like directs damage to it, then pushes it back to the party?

Reply June 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=StaffNStuff]@Mystelteinn: You cant say that Defence or magic defence are as important for the survival rate as the defence from 1/1. if a BaM gets stunned then 1/1ed, He'll probably die (while shad wouldnt). however, the possibilty of shadower to die while a BaM wouldnt because of the BaM's higher def is really low... IMO the 1/1 dodge is the most important factor, so in MY rating shad will be above BaM. but as you just proved, this could be subjective.[/quote]

Wait so blue aura doesn't block 1/1...?

Reply June 9, 2012 - edited

Arans have pretty good survivability I think, Stance especially makes Drain viable, plus as Mystelienn stated our I-frames, and Energize especially is a steroid that increases our hp and mp by 20%, but also our def. and magic def. by 150%. And even then, Conversion allows us more hp than Arans.

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

[quote=StaffNStuff]@Mystelteinn I think BaMs are number 4, after Pallys, DS and Shads. Shadowers have a skill that blocks 1/1 (meso guard) while BaMs dont... they also have SmS, ShSh and iFrames from Bstep.[/quote]

If you wanna do it this way, let's just compare each and every point :

1) HP issue : BaMs > Shadowers
2) Dodge % skills : Shadowers > BaMs, but by a measly 5% (AYA 20% active and 20% passive for a total of 40% vs shadow shifter's 45%). And when BaMs use body boost, it makes it 60%. If i'm not mistaken tho, AYA is glitched atm, but If it wasn't, this is where we would stand.
3) Defense : BaMs > Shadowers
4) Magic Defense : BaMs > Shadowers
5) Innate Dodge from stats : Shadowers > BaMs
6) Status ailment resist : Shadowers = BaMs (20% from Shadow resist vs 20% from ABA)
7) Invincibility moves : Debatable. I'd say they're equal, if not BaMs have a better use of them. Smokescreen does indeed lasts 1 minute instead of 30 second party shield, and has a 6 minute cooldown instead of 7. BUT, while both are on cooldown, BaMs can have 10 seconds invincibility every 2 minutes from body boost, along from 20 seconds every 40 seconds from Twister spin. Boomerang step indeed has iFrames, but most Shads i see at bosses don't really spam B-step, unless they're hitting multiple targets. I see them using savage blow and mesos s'plosion more.

I almost forgot :

8) HP recovering capacities : BaMs > Shadowers. Because of drain. Shads do have Vampire (or at least they can have it), but they have to attack with it in order to get their health back. BaMs drain is merely a passive skill.

So it's about 4-2 or 5-2 in favor of BaMs.

Then again, you could say i'm biased and all my arguments are invalid, even though they sound perfectly logic.

@Above : Energize and Blue Aura both give significant increase to your defense and mdef (60% from blue aura and 150% for energize, if I'm not mistaken).

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

how do you reach max defense and magic defense? I thought adding INT only adds m. defense?

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited

I'd rank them in 3rd place, behind pallies and Demon Slayers, since both those classes have blocking skills and resist skills (especially demon slayers with their 80% status resist, sheesh).

BaMs have a crapload of HP (Probably 2nd to pally, or warrior classes), and we can reach 9999 def and mdef, along with Twister spin, party shield and blue aura (with body boost) for invincibility moves.

Reply June 6, 2012 - edited