

the black girl racist thread

The thread got locked before I could leave my opinion but it is something I feel somewhat strong about so I would like to express my opinion here.

I don't believe that just because someone is not attracted to someone "because they have black skin", that they would be considered a racist. Thats like saying you have to be attracted to all colors of skin to not be racist. The whole point is attraction here. You can't say someone is racist because of their attraction. If it dosen't turn them on, it dosen't.

Racism is about how you treat them, as a person. Not what they have the hots for, or who they would date.

Sure it may suck that someone is not "attracted" to the color of your skin, just like someone may not be attracted to skinny people, or because they have blonde hair, or like certain foods. But dosen't mean they would put them down.

December 29, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


@aethynyc People call it racist because of how you say it. People call the race African-American or Black. So for you to say you don't like "black" skin, basically makes it sound like you're focusing on the race. "Black" isn't literally the color of the skin, it's a dark brown color, so "black" would mean you dislike the skin tone of all girls within that race, which does make it sound racist. Because not all black people have really dark skin, and not all people with dark skin are black (I've seen some pretty dark Cambodians, Indians, Brazilians, etc.).

You should say you don't like girls with really dark skin, instead of saying black. Like for me, I prefer girls with a skin tone between lightly tanned, to a milk chocolate complexion. Too pale or too dark and they usually aren't that attractive to me (I say usually because there are always exceptions and I've already seen a few on both sides).

I will say though, what makes it worse, is that there are some people that say they don't like girls specifically because of the race, like "I don't like black girls at all. They are [i]all[/i] ugly to me." Which really sounds like they're judging base on race alone and how the race is perceived (like how black girls are generally seen as loud and crazy, which is not true for [i]all[/i] of them, only some), rather than the girls themselves.

Reply December 29, 2013

YOU PEOPLE ARE TRIPPING. I know plenty of black girls. All they really want is someone to f**k em good, look good, and can support them. HMM... SOUNDS LIKE ALL GIRLS.
How can you even say alicia keys isn't fine, Or christian millian. Any girl who takes care of herself is bad af. It's almost f**kn 2014, race should be irrelevant.

Reply December 29, 2013

@Rtyu: But green skin became my thing and I fell in love with it because I wanted the skin. :[ Well.. I did get it from the beauty coupon a long time ago with the hair. Luckily the hair came in blue and I have green skin, and the eyes were perfect as they were closed, but I changed them later on. Just need to change the eye color now. Hopefully people won't actually keep the skin because I like being unique x_x

Reply December 29, 2013

@Rtyu: Unique is what I do. lel. c:, until everyone decided to be mainstream and become green. -_-

Reply December 29, 2013

[quote=Pirate4Eva]I don't like white girls, but yet I get bashed. But if I say I don't like black girls, I'll get praised.[/quote]
all cause of stupid stereotypes of how a few act. fun isnt it?
OT I dont look at race but I do look at religion since some would require you to convert before youre allowed to marry which I wont ever do. So its best for me to stay away so as to not waste either of our time.

Reply December 29, 2013

I'm pretty sure we all had our fair share of dating different nationalities which leads us to having our preferences. Like you said, racism isn't because of your skin, but rather how you treat them.

I'm a tanned Asian [Cambodian, Vietnamese, Chinese] and my boyfriend is a country boy that lives in Canada [French, Scottish, Irish]. I don't like the idea of him losing so much weight. I don't like dating tooth pick guys because seeing bones sort of freak me out.

So I wholeheartedly agree with your topic.

Reply December 29, 2013

I don't like white girls, but yet I get bashed. But if I say I don't like black girls, I'll get praised.

Reply December 29, 2013

I dont like very black black skin girl. I like very white white skin girl. In between is also a no no for me.

Reply December 29, 2013

the people who accuse others of racism over little things are the ones who are really racist.

Reply December 29, 2013

Talking about liking mm mm mmm. I love all colors and sizes. Yum.

Reply December 29, 2013

people like what they like, you're not going to like everything in this world and that's fine.

Reply December 29, 2013

So, you're saying if I don't date this african american then I'm not racist? HOT DOG!

Reply December 29, 2013