

aethynyc #Luminous Talk

General Luminous

Help with equips please So I took a long break from Maple. Maybe a year? Forgot. Came back recently and found Luminous, the mage hero! I was so happy since I love mage classes. Now, I'm really behind on prices and what to get for equips. I am not looking for anything godly, just decent things like 6% int or something. And what kind of equips should I get? I mean, I see so many new armor sets and I have so many outdated equips (from my adventurer mages/BaM). People aren't aiming for reverse equips anymore. Scarlion/Targa hats seem to be unpopular nowadays too. I just bought a 6% int Half Earrings for 10 mil so that's a start. Average %int equips & Luminous rods seem hard to find! Also, what scrolls do you use to scroll a Luminous rod? An