

Few Dk questions

im level 144 and i have all my skills this normal? im an Ultimate Explorer if that means anything anymore, my range unbuffed is around 70k, with all buffs i reach about 130-140k, dont really know any exacts. is that an average dark knight range because my shade is 134 and only has 35k max, just came back to maple about a week ago, i left before spell traces were a thing so i have no sense of whats a normal range and such, what can i solo with this range? i have 30% boss dmg from fafnir set and 10% from ds link and whatever other bossing % DK's get innately. third question, why are we the sexiest class by far?

May 9, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


im lvl 200 unfunded and im only beating your range by like 10k and i have all my equips 10 starred and full CRA and 2 set gollux (working on improving this... slowly)

so i think youre doing fine haha

Reply June 4, 2015

@calabari lol classes with extra SP have like.... 5. AFAIK it's just the Sengoku Classes.
@drake214 this might be a little late (like a month late) but DIPQ is your best bet. There's really just no other good places to train until 165 and even then DIPQ may be better if you can solo efficiently.

Reply June 4, 2015

what is the best place for training dk at 140 using 2x coupon

Reply May 14, 2015

They've updated the SP system to where that happens...
Now every one has extra SP....
5th job?

(No but really 5th job)

Reply May 12, 2015

1. Yes it is normal
2. Your range is fine, that's how much I got when I was unfunded. Funding is just a function of investment and equips and unless you pour in time and investment, your range will increase slowly. Spell traces affect different classes differently depending on their weapon multipliers, their stats, etc. However, 10-starring all your equips (including tyrants, if possible) will definitely get your range up. For the most part, only the mega-rich do that tho P:
3. DrKs are bootifur

Reply May 11, 2015 - edited

Get your a boost in your range with the spell trace
4. They're not close to being sexie. They're pretty cold away.

Don't bother with ranmaRU and c Zak and c ht. Magnus is alright but not worth the time. And pb vl and normal gollux too. They're not worth the time given your range. But you could do it for the fun.

Reply May 10, 2015 - edited

@AfroAmerican: I haven't really played DK enough to gauge their damage, but I would guess:
N. Hilla
Von Leon
Easy Magnus
Pink Bean
Normal Gollux

Reply May 10, 2015 - edited

[quote=Flamepc]1. Most classes max out by level 140. Exceptions are Zero, Beast Tamer, and Evan.
2. Ranges are not comparable between classes. 500k to me is x dmg but for another class it's y dmg. They're not uniform.
3. Your range is average amongst the unfunded.
4. They're really not.[/quote]
aight thanks, what bosses can i take

Reply May 9, 2015 - edited

1. Most classes max out by level 140. Exceptions are Zero, Beast Tamer, and Evan.
2. Ranges are not comparable between classes. 500k to me is x dmg but for another class it's y dmg. They're not uniform.
3. Your range is average amongst the unfunded.
4. They're really not.

Reply May 9, 2015 - edited