

i feel sort of weak?

im using 6 set empress, yes i know its outdated, w/e all 70%'d and enhanced to 8 stars yadda yadda, i have 40% luk and have a 2 set of reinforced gollux set, i reach 90k range with the hyper skill buff but my damage just seems underwhelming, i feel like my 118 xenon is doing close to my damage for some reason. the damage doesnt bother me that much i love the class, but i have about 100m left so with my range ( is this avrg for NL at 154?) what can i start to work on to slowly build up some mesos?

May 15, 2015

17 Comments • Newest first


@alanron14: alright i got xenon and lvl 63 demon avenger..i dont feel like im going to enjoy kanna,,,ill thinik about her

Reply May 19, 2015

@AfroAmerican Get the Kanna, Demon Avenger, And Xenon link skills. those boost your range the most

Reply May 19, 2015

[quote=Tac0Dit]Dunno if u or anyone else mentioned this or not but did you try getting some link skill characters? i gain about 30k on my range from link skills[/quote]

depends on which links you refer to, i have lvl 100 on most, i have hayato, cannoneer, phantom, demon slayer, dawn warrior, mihile, shade, mercedes, i think thats all the links i have. which ones should i work on and what level should i bring my link mules up to?

Reply May 17, 2015

Dunno if u or anyone else mentioned this or not but did you try getting some link skill characters? i gain about 30k on my range from link skills

Reply May 17, 2015

[quote=AfroAmerican]my overall is 3 line epic 6% luk with a 4% all stat neb ( from days of old) and 7 att, 8 enhancements, is this worth getting a psok and selling to fund for fafnir stuff?[/quote]


Reply May 16, 2015 - edited

[quote=AfroAmerican]my overall is 3 line epic 6% luk with a 4% all stat neb ( from days of old) and 7 att, 8 enhancements, is this worth getting a psok and selling to fund for fafnir stuff?[/quote]

Nope, you would lose profit spending it on a Psok.

Reply May 16, 2015 - edited

[quote=AfroAmerican]my overall is 3 line epic 6% luk with a 4% all stat neb ( from days of old) and 7 att, 8 enhancements, is this worth getting a psok and selling to fund for fafnir stuff?[/quote]

Don't even psok. You can't sell it.

Reply May 16, 2015 - edited

[quote=TrumanB]Though mine isn't exactly like how he described it, in respects it's similar. Here is how I scroll my mule's weapons.

My reasoning for that is so you can just keep getting a new one if it fails. The first scroll is always the "tester" scroll for me, I make sure (for me) that atleast 1/2 15% scroll works, and then I continue scrolling with 70% or w/e I feel like. I'll then clean slate the rest of the slots back, and most likely 70% it (depending on what I feel like- testing my luck? etc).

And if it doesn't turn out good (both of the first two scrolls fail), I'll just buy a, new, clean one and try scrolling again. And if that one turns out bad too, I will fuse those two (Which makes a new clean weapon again- using my alchemy profession) and try again. If my 3rd one turns out bad, I buy a new one again. Rinse and repeat depending on how it turns out.

Though, you don't seem like you have too much funds, I still recommend getting a fafnir set. Also remember to take advantage of spell trace fever, and make use of events (Collect coins and sell stuff, or use it to upgrade your own account).[/quote]

my overall is 3 line epic 6% luk with a 4% all stat neb ( from days of old) and 7 att, 8 enhancements, is this worth getting a psok and selling to fund for fafnir stuff?

Reply May 16, 2015 - edited

[quote=AfroAmerican]Alright thanks for all the help guys, what's the reasoning behind 4 by the way[/quote]

Though mine isn't exactly like how he described it, in respects it's similar. Here is how I scroll my mule's weapons.

My reasoning for that is so you can just keep getting a new one if it fails. The first scroll is always the "tester" scroll for me, I make sure (for me) that atleast 1/2 15% scroll works, and then I continue scrolling with 70% or w/e I feel like. I'll then clean slate the rest of the slots back, and most likely 70% it (depending on what I feel like- testing my luck? etc).

And if it doesn't turn out good (both of the first two scrolls fail), I'll just buy a, new, clean one and try scrolling again. And if that one turns out bad too, I will fuse those two (Which makes a new clean weapon again- using my alchemy profession) and try again. If my 3rd one turns out bad, I buy a new one again. Rinse and repeat depending on how it turns out.

Though, you don't seem like you have too much funds, I still recommend getting a fafnir set. Also remember to take advantage of spell trace fever, and make use of events (Collect coins and sell stuff, or use it to upgrade your own account).

Reply May 16, 2015 - edited

[quote=Axnslicer]Xenons are stellar at low funding levels. That 300 or so all stat you get from star force is closer to 1000 base stat for a Xenon. They're an example of a class with a really fast initial funding curve that plateaus around 1.5 M.

Meanwhile NLs have a steeper funding curve that doesn't plateau for a long time, so you're going to need more funding to get off the ground. Their low base att makes them more sensitive to increasing att boosts AKA perfect prime scrolling, 15 star Tyrants, CoGs, all of which only comes into play at higher funding levels.[/quote]

that makes sense i suppose, thats unfortunate, guess i got some work to do then

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited

[quote=AfroAmerican]im using 6 set empress, yes i know its outdated, w/e all 70%'d and enhanced to 8 stars yadda yadda, i have 40% luk and have a 2 set of reinforced gollux set, i reach 90k range with the hyper skill buff but my damage just seems underwhelming, i feel like my 118 xenon is doing close to my damage for some reason. the damage doesnt bother me that much i love the class, but i have about 100m left so with my range ( is this avrg for NL at 154?) what can i start to work on to slowly build up some mesos?[/quote]

Xenons are stellar at low funding levels. That 300 or so all stat you get from star force is closer to 1000 base stat for a Xenon. They're an example of a class with a really fast initial funding curve that plateaus around 1.5 M.

Meanwhile NLs have a steeper funding curve that doesn't plateau for a long time, so you're going to need more funding to get off the ground. Their low base att makes them more sensitive to increasing att boosts AKA perfect prime scrolling, 15 star Tyrants, CoGs, all of which only comes into play at higher funding levels.

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited

[quote=skyyryn]1. Get a shop permit ~less than 2k nx~
2. Merch stuff, you can't sell 130-140 equips with potential for 5-10m a piece.
3. Get full set of faf gear and as many reinforced gollux it's as you can.
4. Scroll your claw with 30% first or prime scroll til one fails then use 70's.
5. Hunt cubes in maze, elites, bossing, commerci, or any of the mystic stones flowers.

If you can hunt for materials then use the profession system to get your diligence up, when's it's 50+ you barely ever fail so you can make decent stuff.
That's all I got. If you need help merching in scania Hmu[/quote]
Alright thanks for all the help guys, what's the reasoning behind 4 by the way

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited

1. Get a shop permit ~less than 2k nx~
2. Merch stuff, you can't sell 130-140 equips with potential for 5-10m a piece.
3. Get full set of faf gear and as many reinforced gollux it's as you can.
4. Scroll your claw with 30% first or prime scroll til one fails then use 70's.
5. Hunt cubes in maze, elites, bossing, commerci, or any of the mystic stones flowers.

If you can hunt for materials then use the profession system to get your diligence up, when's it's 50+ you barely ever fail so you can make decent stuff.
That's all I got. If you need help merching in scania Hmu

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited

Id say thats an avg range at that level. NL's are tough to fund i think. very expensive. like the guy above me said, do events. the shop has some nice scrolls and what not. Link skills definately give you a nice bonus. and dont forget about character cards.

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited

events (:

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited

i'd recommend geting all of your link skills done or get to 200.

Reply May 15, 2015 - edited