

Need help for LoL

Can anyone give me advice or tips on being a good ad carry? I like that role a lot but I just know the basics like farming a lot and stay behind team in team fights. I'm stuck in 1200-1300 ELO

July 30, 2012

10 Comments • Newest first


I find Vaynes' early game isn't as strong as other ADs carrys such as Graves or Corki, but she really shines late game with decent farm.

I suppose if you're playing Graves and have a sustain support then you should play more aggressively as you will be able to win trades.

Tristana is also a good late game AD carry because of her passive which allows you to position yourself behind your team during team fights.

Other than that you should focus on getting as much cs as you can and try to outfarm the other AD carry.

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=BasedNick]Go ranged AD carry. A really easy ranged AD carry would be somebody like Graves or Vayne, etc.[/quote]

Vayne is one of my mains and she is [b]not[/b] easy to play. She has a brutal early game that requires a lot of patience and thorough practice.

Positioning is of the most importance. Ashe teaches you the fundamentals like last hitting (passive on her E), map awareness (her hawkshot and her R) and positioning (kiting with her Q and W). Last hitting and getting ahead in CS is huge. should never die! That's also important. No matter what you should not die because that will put you behind a lot and give your opponent and his/her team an advantage. Now, you'll probably have games where you will die a ton, but then you'll have those games where you'll go 12/1/14 or 5/0/7. The latter is what you're aiming for every time.

Another thing is that your item builds shouldn't always be the same. Getting boots and then 3 pots in the beginning is totally fine, but item builds depend on the situation and the champ you're playing. For example, if you're playing Corki, are you pushing the lane a lot and ahead in farm and kills? Build a Trinity. Otherwise? Get an IE.

Edit: Good champs to start out would be Ashe, Graves, Cait, Corki (I think he's free this week) and Kog. These champs (including Ezreal) are popular and you should get the hang of them quickly (especially the first 3).

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

I like Tristana, her kit is really well, but her combos cost a lot of mana earlier on when your support helps initiate. You can easily kill someone if you had say a Taric/Blitz that would stun/grab, you rocket jump ( it does alot earlier levels),E,Ignite and auto attack. Be sure after lvl 14 or in ANY situation really, to stay behind your team. Your range can hit really far. I made a mistake once when I jumped over to try to steal baron when I could've just shot baron from across the wall. Ended up dying a pointless death. And last hit well. When 2 enemies are both low at the same time, hit the one with HIGHER HP, it may sound weird but if that kills it, the E passive should kill the other one instead of wasting 2 auto attacks. So in short, PLAY TRISTANA SHE'S EASY AND FUN!

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

learn how to move while attacking

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

Stay in the back of team fights, if you're going bot, try to get a support or a friend you're good with and then harass them and get last hits. Also get typical AD runes like Armor Penetration Marks, Armor Seals, M. Resist per level glyphs, and Armor Penetration Quints, or Damage Quints.

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=BasedNick]Go ranged AD carry. A really easy ranged AD carry would be somebody like Graves or Vayne, etc.[/quote]

I play Graves a lot but I always find myself getting zoned out and harassed a lot

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

Go ranged AD carry. A really easy ranged AD carry would be somebody like Graves or Vayne, etc.

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=SkiliedSin]Depends who your support is.[/quote]
say my support is taric or blitzcrank

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

Key is positioning.

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited

Positioning is key.

Reply July 30, 2012 - edited