

How to overcome Ocd

So I have a little OCD and It does not have to do with things having to be alligned or clean. My ocd has to do with everything being the way its supposed to be. Things have to go the way they were meant to happen. Lately I have been able to overcome my OCD slowly. I think of the problem and figure out solutions on how this could have happened. My mind finds a solution and I am off to the next thing. I guess you can say worrying is not always a bad thing for OCD. Next time your OCD kicks in, just think okay there must be a solution to this, no way it would just happen with no answers. Another things that helps me is thinking about how lucky I am to be alive, and not waste half my life wondering how this happened or that happened. I just want to live my life worry free (well like 90% of it ). Thanks for reading!

November 13, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


real suggestion if you struggle with ocd: see a pdoc and learn coping mechanisms

Reply November 13, 2014

[quote=SomeJello]Oh great another self-diagnosed person with OCD

You don't have OCD[/quote]

Do PPL usually self diagnose themselve with ocd? Is it possibLe that they can have minor ocd?

Reply November 13, 2014

What I've been doing lately is viewing thoughts as something that you don't have control over. Same as emotions. They just come and go naturally. So I view my ocd thoughts as thoughts that are not mine and do not define me. Your thoughts offer you ideaa(in this case solutions) and you can think of it as thoughts as a child and yourself as the adult approving or not what the child is saying (approving the thoughts or not). So you are in control of what happens next but you cant control what thougHTS come in now. Also there is a being mode and a doing mode. Doing mode tries to find solutions to problems while being mode just embrace the feels and become aware of your thoughts. You should try not to brood(or solve) your problems but jUST feel the emotions that it offer, whether it is negative or positive. become aware of your bodily sensations and what is going through your mind. Know that your negative thoughts are like a foggy day in a spring morning and will eventually pass. You don't have to try to solve your problems. Don't ask any questioN's in being mode. Just experience the emotions life throws at you. Be conscious of your breathing too. Idk if I explained this cleae enough or if it was too redundant.

Reply November 13, 2014

You think you know how everything is supposed to be?

Get rid of that attitude, know that that is absurd, to become free.

laos, reading fast is a powerful ability.

Reply November 13, 2014 - edited

Reply November 13, 2014 - edited