

Chryse: The Floating Island Guide

[url=]Please visit the stickied guide here.[/url]

Long ago, the isle of Chryse floated peacefully above Orbis. Its mysterious core powered the isle, keeping it afloat and sustaining its inhabitants. Over time however, Chryse drifted away from Orbis, and all contact was lost.

Chryse is not what it was. The once-beautiful island is awash in an atmosphere of darkness and danger. You will find a town in danger of destruction from powerful monsters, but saving the town will only be the beginning of your adventure. Talk to Michaela about the terrifying dangers that now confront the islanders and the powerful monster that must be destroyed.

[header]Oh no! What can I do the save Chryse?[/header]

You must restore the giants to power and return peace to Chryse. You will need to defeat many monsters, gain the trust of the townspeople, recover weaponry to outfit the town, ward off the monster army that threatens everything, and finally confront the deadly power behind this threat.

[i]In other words, use this guide to finish quests and defeat the big annoying Ram. [/i]


This is a guide to the theme dungeon of Chryse, released on April 6th, 2011 in Global Maplestory. This is not a completed guide. It can always be updated with new information, and I am always open to suggestions. [b]Please PM me or comment if you find any mistakes, if you want to add something to the guide, if you find any spelling and grammar mistakes, if you would like to make a suggestion, or have a question.[/b]

[b]Other Guides Created by Me[/b]
[url=]Ghost Ship/Sea of Fog PQ Guide[/url]


This guide was written and put together entirely by me, @aloley of Basilmarket. You are free to repost this guide anywhere, as long as you [b]give due credits[/b]. Information was gathered through experience, and sites that are listed in the Credits section.

[header]Enough boring stuff. Let's get to the guide [/header]


[url=]Tour of Chryse- Credits to Spadow[/url] (KMST)


[*]You must be between the levels of 55-75 to ENTER Chryse.
[*]You must be between the levels of 55-70 to accept quests from Chryse.

[b]IMPORTANT:[i]If you are doing Chryse quests, and reach level 71, you can NO LONGER do the quests. You MUST be level 70 or under to do ANY Chryse quests, regardless of whether you have started them or not.[/i][/b]

[header]How do I get to Chryse?[/header]

You get to Chryse by talking to Ericsson, the cat-man in Orbis Park. He then sends you to the 'Path to Chryse', where you can fly to Chryse.
[url=]Path to Chryse[/url]

Once you get to the top, you'll be teleported to Chryse.

[url=]Chryse Entrance[/url]

[header]How do I leave Chryse?[/header]

Simply talk to Demos, the giant hiding behind the pillar to be sent back to Orbis Park.

[header]Chryse Quest Line[/header]

[header]-This is Chryse?-[/header]

[*]Collect [b]1[/b] [url=]Chryse Hideout Entry Pass[/url]

When you get to Chryse, you'll see [url=]Demos[/url], the giant hiding behind the pillar. He should have a quest for you.
You have to obtain the [url=]Chryse Hideout Entry Pass[/url] in order to enter the Hideout where the rest of the NPCs are.
Go through the portal furthest right, and you'll be at [url=]Outside of Chryse 1[/url], where you will need to kill the [url=]Rabbits[/url] in order to obtain the Chryse Hideout Entry Pass.
For me, it took about 30-45 minutes to obtain the pass. The spawn rate of Rabbits is not exactly amazing, and the drop rate is rather low.
Once you obtain the [b]Chryse Hideout Entry Pass[/b], return to [b]Demos[/b] to complete the quest.

[b]Helpful Hint: [i]Collect the Rabbit's Fangs from the Rabbits as you hunt for the pass. They'll be useful in the next few quests.[/i][/b]

[*] 9,900 EXP

[header]Chief Marione's Requests[/header]

[header]-Chief Marione's First Request-[/header]

[*] Eliminate [b]50[/b] [url=]Rabbits[/url]

At [url=]The Road to Chryse[/url], enter the middle portal. You will now be in the [url=]Chryse Hideout[/url]. Then, talk to [url=]Marione[/url]. He's worried about Chryse, so he asks you to hunt 50 Rabbits. When you're done, go back to the [b]Chryse Hideout[/b] and talk to [b]Marione[/b].

[*] 10,300 EXP

[header]-Chief Marione's Second Request-[/header]

[*] Eliminate [b]50[/b] [url=]Golden Rabbits[/url]

This time, [b]Marione[/b] wants you to hunt 50 [b]Golden Rabbits[/b]. Go to [url=]Outside of Chryse 3[/url] to hunt them. Then, return to [b]Marione[/b].

[*] 10,300 EXP

[header]What Caused the Crisis in Chryse?[/header]

[header]-Xerxes, the Source of the Crisis 1-[/header]

[*]Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Rabbit's Fangs[/url]
[*]Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Golden Rabbit's Capes[/url]

Talk to Michaela. She will tell you some stories in a series of quests, then you'll need to collect some items as a gift to the Elder. If you followed my Helpful Hint in the first quest, you should have at least 50 Rabbit's Fangs already. If not, go back to [b]'Outside of Chryse 1'[/b] to hunt for them.
Next, go two portals right of [b]'Outside of Chryse 1'[/b], and kill [b]Golden Rabbits[/b] to get their capes.
Then, go back to [b]'Chryse Hideout'[/b] and hand the quest in to [url=]Titan[/url].

[b]Helpful Hint: [i]Collect 150 of each instead of 50. The other 100 will be used in the next quest.[/i][/b]

[*] 10,700 EXP

[header]-Xerxes, the Source of the Crisis 2-[/header]

[*]Collect [b]100[/b] [url=]Rabbit's Fangs[/url]
[*]Collect [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Rabbit's Capes[/url]

If you followed my Helpful Hint, you should just be able to turn in the 100 extra fangs and capes that you have to [b]Titan[/b].
If you did not, go on back to [b]'Outside of Chryse 1'[/b] to hunt for 100 Rabbit's Fangs and [b]'Outside of Chryse 3'[/b] to hunt for 100 Golden Rabbit's Capes.
Then, go back to [b]'Chryse Hideout'[/b] to turn the quest in to [b]Titan[/b].

[*] 10,700 EXP

[header]Can You Save Chryse?[/header]

[header]-Qualifications for a Savior 1-[/header]

[*]Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Scorpies[/url]
[*]Collect [b]70[/b] [url=]Scorpie's Helmet[/url]

Talk to [url=]Michael[/url]. He wants to test your strength, to see if you [i]can[/i] save Chryse.
Head on over to [url=]Lawless Zone 1[/url] (One map right of [b]'Outside of Chryse 3'[/b]), and defeat 100 Scorpies, while collecting 70 Scorpie's Helmets. When you're done, go back to [b]'Chryse Hideout'[/b] to turn the quest in to [b]Michael[/b].

[*] 13,200 EXP

[header]-Qualifications for a Savior 2-[/header]

[*]Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Scorpies[/url]
[*]Collect [b]70[/b] [url=]Golden Scorpie's Helmet[/url]

This quest is basically the same as the last quest, except with a different monster.. [b]Michael[/b] has one more test for you. He wants you to go to [url=]Lawless Zone 3[/url] to hunt [b]Golden Scorpies[/b]. Hunt 100 of these, and collect 70 of their helmets.
Then, return to [b]'Chryse Hideout'[/b] to turn in the quest to [b]Michael[/b].

[*] 14,700 EXP

Next, talk to [url=]Michaela[/url] to get the story of Xerxes.

[header]Worried Michaela[/header]

[*]Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Star Pixie's Starpiece[/url]
[*]Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Lunar Pixie's Moonpiece[/url]
[*]Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Luster Pixie's Sunpiece[/url]

For this portion of the quest line, you'll need to go to Orbis. Talk to Demos to return to Orbis Park. Go to Orbis, and enter the portal to the right of the Orbis Free Market Entrance.


To collect [b]Star Pixie's Starpiece[/b], you'll need to hunt [url=]Star Pixies[/url].
To collect [b]Lunar Pixie's Moonpiece[/b], you'll need to hunt [url=]Lunar Pixies[/url].
To collect [b]Luster Pixie's Sunpiece[/b]. you'll need to hunt [url=]Luster Pixirs[/url].
All of these monsters are found in [b]Orbis: Cloud Park[/b] maps.

Once you have collected 50 of each, return to Chryse and give the items to [b]Michaela[/b].

[*] 12,200 EXP

[header]Obtaining Practice Equipment[/header]

Now that you're trusted and all, you've got to get some practice equipments for the villagers to fight Xerxes! (Even though they give you no help whatsoever in the end)

[header]-Obtaining Practice Spears 1-[/header]

[*] Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Ferret's Spear[/url]

[b]Michael[/b] wants you to equip the villagers for the battle. To obtain some practice spears for the fighting villagers, go to [url=]Road to the Coliseum 1[/url].
There, you will find [url=]Ferrets[/url], these weird meerkat things. Hunt these to obtain 50 [b]Ferret's Spears[/b], and return to [b]Michael[/b].

[b]Helpful Hint: [i]Collect 150 of the spears instead of 50. Again, you'll need the extras in the next quest.[/i][/b]

[*] 16,400 EXP

[header]-Obtaining Practice Spears 2-[/header]

[*] Collect [b]100[/b] [url=]Ferret's Spear[/url]

Simply turn in the extra 100 spears that you have to [b]Michael[/b]. If you didn't get the extras, go back and hunt for 100 more [b]Ferret's Spears[/b], then turn them into [b]Michael[/b].

[*] 16,400 EXP

[header]-Obtaining Practice Shields 1-[/header]

[*] Collect [b]50[/b] [url=]Golden Ferret's Shield[/url]

Now that the villagers have weapons, they'll need shields! Go to [url=]Road to the Coliseum 3[/url].
Hunt [url=]Golden Ferrets[/url], and collect 50 of their shields. Once you have collected 50 [b]Golden Ferret's Shields[/b], return to [b]Michael[/b] to finish the quest.

[b]Helpful Hint: [i]Collect 150 shields instead of 50, for the same reasons as listed earlier in the guide.[/i][/b]

[*] 18,100 EXP

[header]-Obtaining Practice Shields 2-[/header]

[*] Collect [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Ferret's Shield[/url]

If you got the extra 100 shields, turn those in to [b]Michael[/b]. If you didn't, go back and get 100 [b]Golden Ferret's Shields[/b], and return to [b]Michael[/b].

[*] 18,100 EXP

[header]Coliseum Pre-Investigations[/header]

[*] Scout the Coliseum

Basically, in this portion, you go to [url=]Coliseum Entrance[/url], and you go into the portal on the right. Afterwards, go back to [b]'Chryse Hideout'[/b] and report to [b]Michael[/b].

[*] None

[header]-Eliminate the Guards 1-[/header]

[*] Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Mammoths[/url]
[*] Collect [b]70[/b] [url=]Mammoth's Tail[/url]

Go to [url=]Coliseum Corridor 1[/url], where you will find [b]Mammoths[/b]. Kill 100 of these Woolly Mammoths and collect 70 of their tails (which apparently are also healthy for the villagers). Then, head back to [b]Michael[/b] to deliver all this scrumptious food.

[*] 22,000 EXP

[header]-Eliminate the Guards 2-[/header]

[*] Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Mammoths[/url]
[*] Collect [b]70[/b] [url=]Golden Mammoth's Tusk[/url]

This is the last quest of mob killing. (Cheers!) Now, head over to [url=]Coliseum Corridor 3[/url].
Eliminate 100 [b]Golden Mammoths[/b] and collect 70 of their tusks (No, not for eating this time). Then, go back to [b]Michael[/b] to complete the quest.

[*] 24,000 EXP

[header]Eliminate Xerxes[/header]

[*] Kill [b]1[/b] [url=]Xerxes[/url]

It's finally time! Time for you to eliminate the one who's been causing this all, [b]Xerxes[/b]. Talk to [b]Michael[/b]. He will inform you that it is time to take down this ram once and for all. Go to [url=]Inside the Coliseum[/url], which is one map right of [b]'Coliseum Corridor 3'[/b]. There, I suggest you go to Channel 1, to find a party of 2-4, with all members levels 55-75. Once you have done so, enter the portal on the right, click 'Yes', and you're ready to battle [b]Xerxes![/b] Then you can return to [b]'Chryse Hideout'[/b], to complete your quest with [b]Michael[/b].

[*] 48,000 EXP

[header]-Please Return Xerxes to his Former Self-[/header]

[*] Collect [b]1[/b] [url=]Xerxes' Necklace[/url] from [url=]Xerxes[/url]

When you complete [b]Michael's[/b] quest, you'll receive one from [b]Michaela[/b]. She asks you to retrieve a [b]Xerxes' Necklace[/b], which is dropped by [b]Xerxes[/b] after he is defeated, in hopes that he'll be returned to his normal tamed self. Once you find one from [b]Xerxes[/b], return to [b]Michaela[/b]. Unfortunately, Xerxes can't be returned to his former self. Oh well, you get a fancy box anyway!

[*] [b]1[/b] [url=]Chryse Salvation Box[/url]

[header]For the Elder[/header]

After you have completed both [b]Eliminate Xerxes![/b] and [b]Please Return Xerxes to his Former Self[/b], talk to [b]Titan, the Elder[/b]. He is grateful for your help in saving Chryse, so he is giving you a special reward. A medal!

[*] 6,000 EXP
[*] [url=]Chryse Savior[/url]
[b][i]Level Requirement: 60[/i][/b]
[i]+2 STR[/i]
[i]+2 DEX[/i]
[i]+2 INT[/i]
[i]+2 LUK[/i]
[i]+200 HP[/i]
[i]+200 MP[/i]

[header]Optional: Eliminate Xerxes' Remaining Pests[/header]

[b]Note:[i]This quest is repeatable.[/i][/b]

[*] Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Rabbits[/url]
[*] Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Scorpies[/url]
[*] Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Ferrets[/url]
[*] Kill [b]100[/b] [url=]Golden Mammoths[/url]

This is an optional quest. In this quest, talk to [b]Marione[/b]. He wants you to get rid of some of Xerxes' remaining minions. You'll need to kill 100 of each of the Golden mob forms: [b]Golden Rabbit, Golden Scorpie, Golden Ferret, and Golden Mammoth[/b]. After you kill them, return to [b]Marione[/b] for your reward.

[*] 38,000 EXP
[*] [b]1[/b] [url=]Chryse Salvation Box[/url]

[header]Boss Xerxes Information[/header]

[url=]Xerxes[/url] is a Level 63 Boss with 3.6 million HP. When you enter the map, you will be at [url=]'Challenging Xerxes'[/url].

Xerxes can do an earthquake-type move, dealing less than 100 damage. He can also play his flute, which summons mobs. He summons [url=]Kephivaras[/url] and [url=]Tragos[/url]. [b]Tragos[/b] are summoned farther toward the end of the battle.
Xerxes can also seal and cast darkness on you. He can also make the entire screen black except for a small circle around your character.
The last and most powerful of Xerxes' skills is a rush-type move. He glows red, then rushes across the map, dealing up to 1000 damage to players in his path.

Because he has 3.6 million HP, it will take a bit of time. You have 20 minutes on the timer to defeat Xerxes.

[b]Note:[i]Levels 55-75 can participate in the boss run, however, you must have completed the quest: 'Obtaining Practice Shields (2)' before you can even ENTER the Coliseum.[/i][/b]

[header]Reward Information[/header]

There are a numerous amount of rewards you can get from Chryse and Xerxes.

[header]Chryse Salvation Box[/header]

First is the [url=]Chryse Salvation Box[/url], which is obtained from [b]Marione's[/b] optional quest listed earlier, and from [b]Michaela's[/b] final quest.

These are the rewards from the [url=]Chryse Salvation Box[/url]:
15 x Watermelon - 6.54% chance of obtaining
15 x Ice Cream Pop - 6.54%
15 x Red Bean Sundae - 6.54%
7 x Warrior Pill - 9.8%
7 x Magic Pill - 8.17%
7 x Sniper Pill - 8.17%
7 x Dexterity Pill - 8.17%
7 x Speed Pill - 8.17%
30 x Pure Water - 6.54%
30 x Unagi - 6.54%
15 x Elixir - 4.9%
10 x Power Elixir - 3.27%
20 x Mana Elixir - 4.9%
1 x [url=]Scroll for Accessory for STR 60%[/url] - 2.94%
1 x [url=]Scroll for Accessory for DEX 60%[/url] - 2.94%
1 x [url=]Scroll for Accessory for INT 60%[/url] - 2.94%
1 x [url=]Scroll for Accessory for LUK 60%[/url] - 2.94%[/quote]

[header]Xerxes Weapon Box[/header]

When Xerxes is defeated, he will also drop 5 weapon boxes. [b]When one of these boxes are picked up, the other 4 will disappear.[/b]
These boxes have a chance of giving [b]Xerxes Weapons[/b]. These weapons are basically stronger versions of normal level 70 weapons (68 for the wand, 75 for the staff). Xerxes Armor items do [b]NOT[/b] exist.
Listed below are the specific rewards:

[url=]Xerxes' Warrior Weapon Box[/url]
3 x Warrior Potion - 50.0%
5 x Warrior Potion - 30.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Red Katana[/url] - 2.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Mikhail[/url] - 6.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' The Judgement[/url] - 2.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Doombringer[/url] - 2.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Chrono[/url] - 2.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Gigantic Sledge[/url] - 2.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Redemption[/url] - 2.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' The Gold Dragon[/url] - 2.0%[/quote]

[b]Note:[i]Contrary to what Hidden-Street says, Xerxes Warrior Weapon Box does NOT give VIP 1-Handed Axe.[/i][/b]

[url=]Xerxes' Magician Weapon Box[/url]
2 x Magic Potion - 50.0%
4 x Magic Potion - 30.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Angel Wings[/url] - 10.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Dark Ritual[/url] - 10.0%[/quote]

[url=]Xerxes' Bowman Weapon Box[/url]
2 x Sniper Potion - 50.0%
4 x Sniper Potion - 30.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Golden Hinkel[/url] - 10.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Gross Jaeger[/url] - 10.0%[/quote]

[url=]Xerxes' Thief Weapon Box[/url]
2 x Dexterity Potion - 50.0%
4 x Dexterity Potion - 30.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Kandine[/url] - 7.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Heavenly Katara[/url] - 7.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Blue Scarab[/url] - 6.0%[/quote]

[url=]Xerxes' Pirate Weapon Box[/url]
2 x Dexterity Potion - 50.0%
4 x Dexterity Potion - 30.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Beia Crash[/url] - 10.0%
1 x [url=]Xerxes' Abyss Shooter[/url] - 10.0%[/quote]

[header]Michael's/Michaela's Glasses[/header]
These glasses are dropped by [b]Xerxes[/b]. The glasses have a pretty low drop rate. So far I've heard from just a few PQs to over 100 to get the glasses.
These items are [b]tradeable after being SoKed[/b]. As far as I know, these items are [b]NOT[/b] gender specific.

[url=]Michael's Glasses[/url]
[b][i]Level Requirement: 60[/i][/b]
[i]+2 STR[/i]
[i]+2 DEX[/i]
[i]+2 INT[/i]
[i]+2 LUK[/i]
[i]+50 HP[/i]
[i]+50 MP[/i]
[i]+150 ACC[/i]
[b][i]5 slots[/i][/b]

[url=]Michaela's Glasses[/url]
[b][i]Level Requirement: 60[/i][/b]
[i]+2 STR[/i]
[i]+2 DEX[/i]
[i]+2 INT[/i]
[i]+2 LUK[/i]
[i]+50 HP[/i]
[i]+50 MP[/i]
[i]+150 Avoid[/i]
[b][i]5 slots[/i][/b]

[header]Should I do the Chryse Questline?[/header]

That depends on your preferences.
[*][b]Hardcore Levelers[/b]: If you're a hardcore leveler who wants to level as fast as you can, Chryse is [b]not[/b] the place for you.
[*][b]Light Levelers[/b]: If you're a light leveler who wants some variety in your training style, then Chryse [b]is[/b] the place for you.
[*][b]Bored People[/b]: Trust me, this is a great place if you're bored.
[*][b]Poor People[/b]: If you're willing to be patient and try your luck, [b]Chryse Salvation Boxes[/b] can give you some valuable scrolls.
[*][b]Medal Whor- Um, Lovers[/b]: If you love medals, then you should do this questline, Once you're over level 70, you won't get a chance later!

I got from Level 57-60 on my Spearman from just doing the questline, and another 2 levels by doing the optional quest a few times.

In conclusion, Chryse is a great place if you want to try your luck earning some cash, love boss fights, or don't like grinding for hours at a time for levels.

[header]Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)[/header]

[b]Q:[/b] [i]"Can characters over level 70 do the Chryse Quests in any way?"[/i]

[b]A:[/b] No. Unless you can level backwards.

[b]Q:[/b] [i]"Can you enter if you are over level 70?"[/i]

[b]A:[/b] If you received a lightbulb quest from Ericsson, yes. If you haven't, then no.

[b]Q:[/b] [i]"Is Chryse worth doing?[/i]

[b]A:[/b] It depends on what you think. Chryse is sort of like Mushroom Castle. If you like hardcore leveling, and leveling as fast as you can, then you probably shouldn't do Chryse quests. If you like trying new things, and using different ways to level, or love questing, then Chryse is a good place for you.

[b]Q:[/b] [i]"How do I get Michael's/Michaela's Glasses?"[/i]

[b]A:[/b] As stated in the guide, you obtain them from Xerxes as a drop.

[b]Q:[/b] [i]"Are Michael's Glasses only for boys and Michaela's Glasses only for girls?"[/i]

[b]A:[/b] No, the glasses are not gender specific. Males can wear Michaela's Glasses, and Females can wear Michael's Glasses.

[b]Q:[/b] [i]"How long do the quests take?[/i]

[b]A:[/b] It takes a few hours. I can't give a numerical value, because it all depends on your luck, and the strength and mobility of your class.

[header]Final Disclaimer[/header]

As stated at the beginning of the guide, you are free to post this guide wherever as long as you give credits to me and the other contributors (listed in the credits section).


[*]KMST Video credits to [url=]Spadow's Blog[/url].
[*]Monster, Map, Item, and NPC links are from [url=]BasilMarket[/url], [url=]Global Hidden-Street[/url], and [url=]Maplestory Wikia[/url].
[*]Big thanks to @13LoL13 for quest EXP value information.
[*]Thanks to @qwertqwe169 for the optional quest EXP value.
[*]Thanks to @ConfusedSoul for notification of monster name changes.
[*]Thanks to @ShiningDevil for pointing out an important quest error.

And thanks to the BasilMarket community, for making this guide possible.


Thanks for reading! Again, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please PM me or comment.

[b]Note: This guide was originally made in Scraps (Guide) Format, so the organization isn't ideal, since I've used some guide-only commands in the creation.[/b]

April 22, 2011

32 Comments • Newest first


Thanks! This guide answered my exp question

Reply August 3, 2011

AT lvl 71, can you get the defeating xerxes quest, because i defeated him the first time and completed it, but micheala didn't give me another quest.

Reply August 2, 2011

This guide will prove useful for me. Thanks for posting it!

Reply July 28, 2011

could anyone help me getting the etc items -_-. My thunder breaker is only good when he is at 3rd job -_-

Reply June 11, 2011

[quote=InSovietRussia]There is no one doing the bosses in my world T_T
Zenith is too dead[/quote]

There aren't a whole lot of people in any world that fight Xerxes. The ones that do just do it for the glasses.
Nice Basil ID, by the way.

[url=]Please visit the stickied guide here.[/url]

Reply May 14, 2011 - edited

There is no one doing the bosses in my world T_T
Zenith is too dead

Reply May 13, 2011 - edited

@ShiningDevil: Oh, okay. I started the guide after finishing the quests. Thanks for clearing that up!

Reply May 10, 2011 - edited

[quote=ShiningDevil]For the "Please Return Xerxes to His Former Self" quest, I'm pretty sure you can only get the necklace after you've gotten the quest. The necklace is only available as a quest item so you can't see or pick it up until you get the quest. Example: Getting 20 Broken Glasses for Raggedy Cape Quest In Kerning City.[/quote]

Err, I think my wording may be incorrect. To be sure, you can receive that quest at the same time as the "Eliminate Xerxes" one, right?
My wording intention was- Before you go back to town to turn in the quests, get a necklace from Xerxes. Maybe I need to emphasize to get the quests from both Michael and Michaela before battling Xerxes?

Reply May 10, 2011 - edited

It's bad experience isn't it? My guide: Don't go.

Reply May 10, 2011 - edited

[quote=cv121]Are you still able to fight the goat boss ( Xerxes or something ) even if you didn't do the Pre Q?[/quote]

No, because the Coliseum (where Xerxes is) is off limits until a certain quest in the quest line is completed.

Reply May 10, 2011 - edited

[quote=maple199]Can anybody tell me how many levels they obtained from doing the Chryse questline?
Only from beginning to 1 Xerxes kill.

And how long does it take to do all the quests?[/quote]

As stated in the guide, I went from 57-60 doing just the questline.
For the amount of time, it takes a few hours, but it depends on your mobility and luck.

Reply May 9, 2011 - edited

Can anybody tell me how many levels they obtained from doing the Chryse questline?
Only from beginning to 1 Xerxes kill.

And how long does it take to do all the quests?

Reply May 8, 2011 - edited

[quote=ConfusedSoul]The monsters' names changed (besides Xerxes). Gerbils are now Rabbits, Scopies are now Scorpies, Phenecs are now Ferrets, and Marmots are now Mammoths.[/quote]

Thanks for this info! To prevent confusion though, I'm going to leave it as it is for now, until the names are updated on Basil/Hidden-Street.

Reply May 6, 2011 - edited

The monsters' names changed (besides Xerxes). Gerbils are now Rabbits, Scopies are now Scorpies, Phenecs are now Ferrets, and Marmots are now Mammoths.

Reply May 4, 2011 - edited

[quote=qwertqwe169] I will do the optional quest today and tell you the EXP reward for it.

Edit: Ok, I just finished the quest. It gives 38000 EXP.[/quote]

Thanks a bunch. This saves me from having to do it again myself ^-^

[quote=Lightosia] Nice guide. I was doing Chryse's quests with my F/P and I got mad with the 50 + 100 etc drops... >.>
Hidden-street still doesn't have those quests in their database.[/quote]

Yeah, I think the 50, then 100 drop thing deters people from doing the quests. It's a lot less annoying if you just collect 150

Reply May 4, 2011 - edited

Full EXP Values (save the optional quest) have been added.

Reply April 28, 2011 - edited

[quote=mook1505]So it's impossible to go when your over like 70?[/quote]

If you did not get a lightbulb from Ericsson, you can not enter Chryse.

[quote=9812abc]If you've done all the quests, apart from the "Eliminate Xerxes" quest. Can you still go and kill/complete thus quest up until lvl 75?[/quote]

Yes, you can also complete the quest and continue going into Xerxes until you reach level 76.

Reply April 25, 2011 - edited

[quote=Akatsuki0826]Is it possible for both Michael's and Michaela's glasses to drop at the same time?[/quote]

They're completely separate items, so I don't see why not. It would be EXTREMELY rare though, considering having just ONE drop is pretty rare.

Reply April 25, 2011 - edited

Is it possible for both Michael's and Michaela's glasses to drop at the same time?

Reply April 25, 2011 - edited

[quote=Eziko]The real Chryse guide:

1. Go in through Orbis
2. Do a few quests
3. Leave[/quote]

The Maplestory Guide:

1. Make an Account
2. Get to Level 200
3. Quit

Reply April 24, 2011 - edited

@DitchMe: It's not bad. I got two Accessory 60% STR scrolls from Chryse Salvation Boxes, which bring in some money. The 2/2/2/2 All Stat Glasses are pretty nice. And, it's just a nice place to go while training a non-main character, because mindless grinding is kind of boring. It's really not too much of a hassle, if you follow the tips I've given. Many people say that it's lame because they do the quests one by one.

Reply April 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=aloley]You can still do the quests at level 70. However, you will need to kill yourself before you reach level 71 if you have not completed the quests by then.

It probably took about 5 hours total for me. I didn't really keep track, so I'm kind of just taking a wild guess here.
Factors that probably extended the time:
- Chryse maps are laid out side by side, so there are 15 maps total laid out side by side, not including the Hideout and the Boss map. So, it does take some time getting back and forth, and I was also on a Spearman.
- Getting the pass to get into the Hideout took me an abnormally long period of time, and I was also being KSed by people, because it was the day Chryse came out.[/quote]

Is it worth going through all the trouble to do?

Reply April 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=13LoL13]I'm level level 69 at the pixie killing quest at 60%, will I have to kill myself for the medal? How much % do they give from this point to the end? Can the quests be done AT level 70?[/quote]
You can still do the quests at level 70. However, you will need to kill yourself before you reach level 71 if you have not completed the quests by then.

[quote=DitchMe]Could you put an estimated time for completion for each of the quests? If not, then the total?[/quote]
It probably took about 5 hours total for me. I didn't really keep track, so I'm kind of just taking a wild guess here.
Factors that probably extended the time:
- Chryse maps are laid out side by side, so there are 15 maps total laid out side by side, not including the Hideout and the Boss map. So, it does take some time getting back and forth, and I was also on a Spearman.
- Getting the pass to get into the Hideout took me an abnormally long period of time, and I was also being KSed by people, because it was the day Chryse came out.

Reply April 24, 2011 - edited

Could you put an estimated time for completion for each of the quests? If not, then the total?

Reply April 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=speed775]Suggestion: For rewards when finishing a quest and you say "EXP" you should put the amount.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm working on a way to get those in. I don't have any other level 55-70 characters, and I finished the quests on my Spearman before I ever thought of making a guide to this.

Reply April 23, 2011 - edited

Suggestion: For rewards when finishing a quest and you say "EXP" you should put the amount.

Reply April 23, 2011 - edited

if you're only going to censor part of a word spell the first part right. (referring to the reference to medal lovers)

Reply April 23, 2011 - edited

[quote=xDracius]The question is - Is it good EXP wise?[/quote]

Chryse IS probably slower for most classes than regular grinding.
The monster spawn isn't great, and the EXP they give is lower than others of their level.
However, if you don't like dull grinding, or are just training a mule, Chryse really isn't that much slower.

Reply April 23, 2011 - edited

The question is - Is it good EXP wise?

Reply April 23, 2011 - edited

GMS Video Guide Added.

Reply April 23, 2011 - edited

Nice guide

Reply April 22, 2011 - edited