

aloley #Nexon Talk

General Nexon

Big Bang Release Dates (From Tespia Extractions) Here are the release dates from the [url=]Tespia extractions[/url] (Take note, these may change.) Part 1: [b]December 7th/11th, 2010[/b] Part 2: [b]December 20th/23rd, 2010[/b] Part 3: [b]January 12th, 2011[/b] There are 2 dates for the 1st and 2nd part, because there are quests with different dates. (For each quest, I have taken out a lot, because it's just simply too long. However, I have left the important parts in. [i]My personal quest descriptions are in italics.[/i] [b]The dates are in bold.[/b] [b][i]Other notes are in both bold and italics.[/i][/b]) NOTE: ALL DATES ARE IN DAY/MONTH/YEAR. [header]Part 1:[/header] Finding the Righ