amazingant25 #General Talk


How Bosses REALLY Should Be! Alright, I think bosses should be changed to make it fair for other players. The Idea: 1st, All bosses have their own map that you need to talk to NPC to enter. (like Zakum Alter) The maps can look like the map the boss is found in. 2nd, Increase times you can enter a day to like maybe 8? Edit: Or different number of times for different bosses. Ex Zakum 2 and Bigfoot 5? 3rd, Decrease the minimum number of people required to enter to 1. 4th, Let boss rooms be in all channels, or more than one open in each channel. 5th, All bosses have HP Bar (Zak Arms, all in one HP bar, or a "Multi Bar" function, you can see more than one bar below each other on the top, would be lag) 6th, The bosses that don't have an

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