

ameshell2 #Chat Talk

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The confident boost i need to talk to girls I am in grade 9 which is a senior in junior high And since there's many girls i haven't talked to, i would like to make this year to count. I have watched MANY video of being confident and just starting up and conversation. I know that i am young and still have time but i wanna get to know some people. Anyways it's been 2 years of going to school with these girls and they are in a group together, and they seem to like me, but since i am shy i am afraid of making the moves since if i make a move or flirt on one girl the other might spread rumors or get jealous. But since i have maybe 1 on facebook how do i start the conversation without being awkward at school or shy? I have an issue when it comes

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I need help on choosing a graphics card So here's the one i want: and And currently i have a amd radeon HD 3400 and yes it's out dated IT's a 64bit computer my power supply is a dynex 500Watts < it's a cheap one but runs pretty good. i have 4gb rams 700gb hard drive it's a amd QUAD core computer and i was hoping if i could get something cheap to update my graphics card until 2013 july comes by after i finish my grade 9 and get a new computer. anyways i was hoping if i can replace this graphic card on my computer and able to run battlefield 3 with it? because right now i can run starcraft 2, dota 2 on low settings and was hoping if this could help it?

General Chat

How much Nx have you bought? I am kinda curious on how much did the basilmarket community spent on NX in their life time and if they do regret it? I personally spent roughly $250-$300 in just 1 year...even though i played it for 3 years? i regret on some parts but some i dont, just for the entertainment i received almost reaching lvl 200! just 30 more lvls! close to quitting this game and reaching my goal! anyways! how much have you guys spent and do you guys regret the amount you spent?

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Will i be able to run Planetside 2? My biggest problem is my ram so my specs are 6670 HD radeon 400Watts 700gb hard drives and 4gb ram but when i am on the computer it says it's 3.8gb ram cause of the others stuff operating but since the requirement for planet side 2 is atleast 4gb ram i am not sure if it'll work or not since i have 3.8gb usable.....planetside 2 is ram what do you guys think can i atleast run at medium? RAM is my biggest factor and i DO NOT wanna upgrade it since i am planning to build a new computer in the next coming few months.... so depending on the ram not sure