anatyefet14 #General Talk


rate this job i thought of its a whole class by itself but it only has 1 job (so far). name: giant look:like all characters only twice as big. description: (sort of a hero). As the black mage try to takeover showa town the people their united and tried to fight him off, but his powers were too great and -insert name here-, who was the leader of the heroes of the town sufferd the worst fate. After killing all the rebels and -insert name here- family, the black mage curesd him and made him a freak, a giant. Who now, seeks vengance! job I: giant I. regenerate: heels 10% hp every 10 seconds. Golem: decrese dmg recived by 20% for 3 mins. Giant fist: attack 1 monster 300% dmg. If there is a monster near that monster the attack will also go to tha

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