

Should i try out Angelic Buster

I've been contemplating it since release and it would help me get some Dex equips for when xenon comes out.
how would you rate your experience with angelic buster 1-10

January 12, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


at the moment it's a 5/10 for me. but yet again i'm only 2nd job still. I really don't like the recharge system because it makes it harder to get ksers off your channel at popular spots -_-.
But I will see it to 3rd/4th job at least-that's when i really start to form a love or hate for a class.

Reply January 12, 2013

I dont know how to rate this, but I do find it fun and interesting. It makes up for luminous in my opinion because it doesn't let you spam the same skills over and over again. It's just a different style of gameplay and I like it.

Reply January 12, 2013