
Haven't played for 2 years

I was thinking of coming back after not playing for a few years, but so much has changed. Pretty much just looking for class recommendations. I had the most fun with my merc and phantom when I used to play, but there are so many new flashy classes and revamps I don't know where to start. So what two classes have been your favorite as of lately and why?

September 5, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


It's been so long I can hardly remember haha. At the time they had really fast hitting moves so I figured they would be beast if i could ever hit cap. I guess I just really liked the movesets they had at the time. Decent 1v1 and mobbing.

Reply September 5, 2016

There are 41 classes in GMS, 39 of which are able to be made at any time. Do you know what about Merc/Phantom it was that you liked?

Reply September 5, 2016

Luckily, the newer classes have not been that great, so if you had fun playing your Merc and Phantom, I suggest that you just start there. You could always explore the newer classes later if you want link skills or anything like that.

Reply September 5, 2016