

ansdPdnjs #Merch Talk

General Merch

How did I do with my Mmb run? I spent about 400m and got these books and I do not know the prices of it. Please try to include prices: Boomerang Step 20 (2) Sudden Raid 20 Quad Star 20 Quad Star 30 (2) Dark Harmony 20 Purge Zone 30 Dagger Expert 30 Shadow Shifter30 Crossbones 20 Crossbones 30 Eight-Legs Easton 30 Advanced Blessing 30 Advanced Combo Attack 30 Hurricane 30 Blessing of the Onyx 25 (2 or 3) Slash Storm 20 Advanced Dark Aura 20 Tempest 30 (2) Demolition 30 (2) Sharp Eyes 20 (2) Aria Amour 30 Milles Aiguilles 30 Pouvoir Emprunte 20 That's pretty much it! Thx for the p/c and if you want to buy any, please add me or pm me (btw phantom books are not for sale)