

Is religion a quotsystemquot?

I do not intend to start a flame war i just wanted to hear others opinions on this since there are alot of religious people on basil.

So back when religion first started humans didnt know of "science", and well they werent educated correct? SO there would be chaos. No laws. Back then humans probably saw anyone "above" them except for the adults in their life. So by the time they are adults they see no one above them. There may be people stronger then them taller w.e but they were equals as in being human.Eventually people saw this chaos. So what would they do about it? Attempt to create the exact opposite of chaos (confusion),"order". But how? If they all considered each other as equals would there be any way to really create order? Yes, by making people around you believe that you were "special". So there was no science, nothing to prove you wrong. So if you put on a show to make them believe, they would. Surely there would be people who wouldnt believe from the start. But after doing acts flawlessly over and over again. They are [b]bound[/b] to believe you. If you tell them you hear the words of "god" in ur head, if you tell them that you've spoken to "god". If you find a way to prove yourself no doubt they would believe it in a matter of time.

So now you have built order by making people believe that you are "special". They now follow you and do as you say. The people do as you say but eventually you grow tired. You yearn for more power. You tell the people that "god" wants them to spread his name. The people believe you and you begin turning thousands and thousands of people into your followers who will do as you say. As long as "god" demands of it. You are towards the end of your life. You want you name to live on in great glory. A servant of "god". For the last years of your life you continue to spread word of "god", so your name will live on. Eventually as life continues his followers have children and generation after generation they are taught about "god" and his great will. Everything is eventually written into language. The story has been passed on for a great length of time. It was written and called the "bible". Many believe in you. They pray to you, your name is known across the land even to non-believers. Even though we have science many of us still choose to believe. invention after invention, theory after theory, many still believe. Why? Because the teachings are now ancient. It may not seem like it but society today believes in anything thats old, we may deny things now but something that has been believed in for thousands of years cannot simply die off.. We see paintings on cave walls as things that have the greatest meaning but when you think about it. If i drew a creature with great powers that could cause earthquakes and i illustrated those powers. In the far future would whatever is here believe that there was such a creature? Maybe not but humans back then would.

I dont really hate religion or anything this just came up in my mind so i decided to write about it.

June 29, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


-We didn't discover science, we invented it. "Science" is much much older than the birth of Christianity (and probably all the Abrahamic religions)

-The Bible was a published assorted collection of chosen translated writings that spread over a large periods of time and areas written by different people, not one long story some people got together wrote ~in the honor of god~ after hearing about it from their grandparents.

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited

It is a convenient system to control the masses and take away their capacity of thinking thus opening a way to their wallets

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited


Any religion thread that starts out with " I don't intend to start a flame war "
Starts a flame war.

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited

[quote=primalfurey]i like how you beleive science disproves the exsistance of a theistic god

even einstein once said "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"[/quote]

Well im saying they had nothing to help disprove whether the man was "special" or not.
And einstein is no one special in the world. He may have done alot of the world of science, but he didnt know everything. And how does science need religion in anyway?

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited

@NotUoid: LMAO i guess your right not many contribute on basil

@callmedagger hm i wouldnt say religion can [b]ever[/b] come to an end because the books will continue through time. Some will continue to believe even [b]if[/b] it dies off.

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited


The only religion I know of is the religion of Maplestory.

It's hard to tell your parent's you don't believe in god LOL

And religion is about to come to an end... I'm forseeing this.

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited

@NotUoid: You never know theres people who actually care to read and contribute ya know?

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited

[quote=NotUoid]religion is shut up mind ur own[/quote]

lmao sh im trying to get [b]interesting[/b] opinions.

Reply June 29, 2012 - edited