

Learning how to cook in College

Before I entered college I didnt even know how to turn on an oven. I decided I wasnt going to be one of those students who eat microwavables everyday. (My room mate literally has 5 boxes of hot pockets in our freezer) Or the type of student to eat out everyday with a meal plan.

I try to learn a new dinner recipe every time I go shopping for groceries.
So far ive learned
-Baked BBQ chicken thighs
-Steamed sausage
-Baked chicken breast (My fave dish atm)
-Alfredo Pasta (Just learned last night. Cooked it with bacon)
-Boiled Potatoes (Mashed)
-Boiled Carrots
-Potato wedges
-Steak (Probably wont have this again soon, too expensive)

I eat with only $100 a month, which I think is very good since i'm eating well. I also try to incorporate vegetables & fruits in my diet.
I need some suggestions on what I should cook next month.

College students:

Do you cook or eat out or microwavable?
How much do you spend monthly?
What have you been eating?

November 15, 2014

20 Comments • Newest first


my family spends $100 on groceries ughh

Reply November 17, 2014

@BreakerZ: I eat 2-3 meals depending on the day. But my breakfast is oatmeal 90% of the time and a $3 bag of oats lasts me like a month. What do you eat for $400/month? Steak every night? o.o Pasta, rice, fish, and vegetables are all really cheap.

Reply November 17, 2014

I didn't really do a lot of dorm cooking in college, but when I got an apartment, I found that a rice cooker and slow cooker are indispensable kitchen items to own. You can steam vegetables with the rice cooker (as well as make rice) and cook just about anything in the slow cooker.

Reply November 17, 2014

[quote=icemage11]I spent ~$100/month as well. I cook varieties of pasta/noodle dishes, rice with chicken or fish and variety of vegetables, potatoes, baked sweet potatoes etc.[/quote]

That can't be right. Unless you eat like 1 meal per day? Most college students spend $100 per week on food tops even if you're cooking meals at home.

Reply November 17, 2014

Grilled Cheese sandwiches, Kraft dinner, scrambled eggs, and ramen noodle cups is the only thing I know how to cook (if those meals even count as cooked meals).

Reply November 17, 2014

How do you manage to spend so little o.o
Food is probably more expensive here, but still I spend at least $200/month.
I enjoy cooking! My dorm room has everything except a stove, and sometimes the cheap toaster oven just doesn't cut it so I have some limitations. Using a slow cooker and looking for one skillet meals helps me a lot. is amazing, the food is always so delicious and pretty cheap. Make stuff on your least bussiest day and have leftovers for the days you don't have time to cook.

Reply November 16, 2014

I spent ~$100/month as well. I cook varieties of pasta/noodle dishes, rice with chicken or fish and variety of vegetables, potatoes, baked sweet potatoes etc.

Reply November 16, 2014

I wouldn't mind cooking more, but I genuinely don't have the time to cook.
I'm generally out of my dorm from 730/830 until around about 1am during the week, so when I get back to my room I just want to sleep. Not cook.
I eat a mix of dining hall food and eating out. I have a few easy things to make in my room like sandwich stuff and frozen things, but that's it.

I also don't have access to a lot of cooking utensils either... I'd have to walk up the street to another dorm to get cooking stuff and screw that.

Reply November 15, 2014
try this, 3 ingredient recipes.
Theres mac in cheese ^ in there too.

Reply November 15, 2014

You really need to learn salads. Salad will keep you fresh.

Reply November 15, 2014

i ran out of meal points recently. just going to eat sandwitches, ramen, tuna, and protein shakes to survive

Reply November 15, 2014

Why haven't you tried fried rice D: Literally the cheapest thing to make.
I've been watching Gordon Ramsay and his meals look delicious, you should take a look too!

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

i second the slow cooker. throw stuff in there in the morning, go to class, come home and eat. makes for lovely pulled pork. you can even use dr pepper or root beer in it and it tastes sooo good mmm

learn to make creamed spinach! its amazing! a little butter, some heavy cream and spinach (&salt/garlic) and it's more than enough for a dinner.
one of my favorite treats is to core out an onion and stuff it with cheese & garlic, then roast in a water bath @ 330F for an hour.
deviled eggs are lovely & so rich. boiled eggs, slice open and take out the yolks & mash with like 1-2 spoonfuls of mayo & whatever spices.
avocado smoothies are wonderful things. avocado + tsp sugar + lemon juice + milk. or an apple & banana smoothie with just fruit & milk & ice
also you can literally just top a wedge of brie with jelly or similar (cranberry sauce works great but so do apricot preserves), put it on a pan & bake then dip crackers or apple slices in it

i'm a lazy cook though hahhaha & not in college anyways rofl

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

I'm living off of stir fry, pasta, rice & fish

They don't take that long to cook plus they last for at least two days. I use the leftovers for lunch too

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

Dining halls <3

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

my mom taught me how to cook the summer before i went off to university, thank you mom <3

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

You could invest in a slow-cooker and make some pretty good recipes out of that like beef stew, pasta, chicken, ham, casseroles, literally just about anything you want to toss in there.

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

[quote=iNeglect]Chicken Parmesan!
Shepards Pie!
Kimchi Fried Rice!
Japanese Curry!
Pot Roast![/quote]

I too enjoy eating my foods with exclamation points!

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

Chicken Parmesan!
Shepards Pie!
Kimchi Fried Rice!
Japanese Curry!
Pot Roast!

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited

it's not bad to have one of those microwavable foods once in a while

Reply November 15, 2014 - edited