

Dark Knights and theming

So I was recently thinking about Dark Knights and what they stand for, their ambitions, motivations etc. Lore stuff. At the end of the day, they're berzerkers who, with blind fury, demolish everything that would oppose them. So this got me thinking; Where's the indication of this in their skills? We have Dark Impale (angry thrusts for days) and... What else? It doesn't really feel like Dark Knights are living up to their thematic potential. With the RED update, we get a lot closer to this crazy bloodthirsty warmonger that Dark Knights are supposed to be, but it doesn't feel quite there.
So I was wondering, would lowering their chance to hit and skyrocketing their damage make them more thematically correct? Provided we keep the DPS the same/slightly higher of course, it would even out to be similar damage but with a bit of a flair to it. I realize that this would annoy a lot of people, but it would be more in line with bloodthirstywarmongerbro.
So what do people think? This is simply an idea, not one that I recommend is implemented, but I think it's a step in the right direction. What are some other changes that could make Dark Knights more Dark Knighty?

July 24, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


[quote=MyKarma]I think it should be based on your hp.

So at 100% hp, you'd do +200%dmg with a 50% accuracy, and at 50% hp, it'd be +100%dmg at 100% accuracy or vice-versa. It sounds like a good idea in my opinion.[/quote]

Ehh, I don't know how I feel about this. I rather do +60% damage (what Berserk does now) with 100% acc than miss half the time. I do agree there should be a benefit for having under 70% HP though, instead of 50%. << Because every boss was buffed to hell and new monsters hit pretty high

Reply July 29, 2013

[quote=forcysitus]Come fly into my bosom as i embrace you with warmth and comfort![/quote]

Reply July 28, 2013

[quote=iVege]well my view pretty much got butchered by red[/quote]

Come fly into my bosom as i embrace you with warmth and comfort!

Reply July 26, 2013

[quote=AquaBoogieXD]How do you see Dark Knights? What kind of person would you expect a Dark Knight to be if you met one? I personally see them as I described above, but it's interesting that others don't see them the same way. That's another thematic problem; it's not completely clear how the class is supposed to be portrayed.[/quote]

well my view pretty much got butchered by red

Reply July 26, 2013

[quote=iVege]I strongly disagree.[/quote]

How do you see Dark Knights? What kind of person would you expect a Dark Knight to be if you met one? I personally see them as I described above, but it's interesting that others don't see them the same way. That's another thematic problem; it's not completely clear how the class is supposed to be portrayed.

Reply July 25, 2013

[quote=AquaBoogieXD]are supposed to be[/quote]

I strongly disagree.

Reply July 25, 2013

@UAHeroV We are not really "number 1" in post-Red update. A lot of classes complain about stuff and they have a right to. How else would we get our ideas and dissatisfaction across? With no input there is no progress.

Reply July 25, 2013

[quote=UAHeroV]number 1 on the lists now and still complaining for more? figures[/quote]

quoting OP:
Provided we keep the DPS the same/slightly higher of course, it would even out to be similar damage but with a bit of a flair to it.

you may use a sword, but i know plenty of people happy to get axe animations, this guy is asking for our "axe" animations.

Reply July 24, 2013

[quote=UAHeroV]number 1 on the lists now and still complaining for more? figures[/quote]

No one is complaining for "more" their complaining about aesthetics which is ENTIRELY different.

OT: I think its fine the way it is.

Reply July 24, 2013

number 1 on the lists now and still complaining for more? figures

Reply July 24, 2013

I think it should be based on your hp.

So at 100% hp, you'd do +200%dmg with a 50% accuracy, and at 50% hp, it'd be +100%dmg at 100% accuracy or vice-versa. It sounds like a good idea in my opinion.

Reply July 24, 2013

[quote=jeshiki]then ppl wud just buy alot of % accuracy, and with the increased damage u suggested, then they would just b OP[/quote]

Suppose that it's a flat decrease and that scrolling/potting accuracy didn't help. The idea here is less about the damage and more about what the abilities represent.

Reply July 24, 2013