
bugged mastery books

so I was trying to use this mastery 30 tryed to raise my tempest blades the skill right now is 20/20(max master for tempest blades is 30), when trying to use the book no skill appears to be upgraded, moved the book to my kanna she got monkey spirits 20/20 (max master 30) but in the list some skills do appear orochi appears I guezz cuz is under lv20 18/20, bind appears too 15/20, if the bug occurs when a skill is raised to lv 20/20 anyone knows a way to fix it?

tl;dr mastery 30 dont work if the selected skill is at 20/20

February 26, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Hmm, try using a different book. I just tried it (raised Dark Harmony to 20 and used one of those 10mil Mastery Books) and it works fine for me.

Reply February 26, 2014

lol sorry is a bit hard to explain, emm im using the 10m 100% ones, the issue is when a skill is at lv20 it wont show on the skill list when using the mastery 30

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

l cannot even comprehend what you've wrote, but Mastery book 30s should work for skills that have at least 15 SP invested in it, regardless if it's 20/20 or not.
What kind of message do you get? Does it say, cannot use Mastery book? Are you using normal 50% 30 mastery books, or the 10mil 100% one?

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited