

Are we the third most common mage class now?

Been seeing BaMs popping up everywhere now. I feel we re the the third most common mage now behind Luminous and Bishops.

December 25, 2012

11 Comments • Newest first


@DivineGoddess: I like bishops too hey i even have a bishop for HSing myself <3 hes awesome

Reply January 1, 2013

@Kanji Nobody's expressional lol, obviously it's not like absolutely zero. But go to any popular training map, and you'll almost never see any. About all of the population is just a bunch of rich people who can spend money to make it good. The rest are just people who play it for fun ([b]very[/b] little).

I don't see much craze for battlemages; they were already pretty good at their release. It's just that people saw mage, and didn't bother. Luminous is different though, since their spectral light and reflection are overpowered killstealing tools.

Reply December 31, 2012

[quote=HateSpirit]It's like second out of nothing, though. Nobody makes adventurer mages. There's some evans, and a bunch of luminouses.[/quote]

Just recently made an I/L, whaddya talking about mate?

OT: Lumis take the cake for now. But, later on, I expect more legitimate/non-hacking BaMs running around. They're just so cool
I actually saw one today at Mushroom Kingdom while training my Mercedes o.o

Reply December 31, 2012

It's like second out of nothing, though. Nobody makes adventurer mages. There's some evans, and a bunch of luminouses.

Reply December 31, 2012

[quote=amher]I liked it when we were a rare class, I felt unique and humbled that people wanted me in their parties because of my awesome auras.[/quote]

I second this, and the fact that we could heal, make those coolio doors to the main town, and gave additional EXP made for great training (and long ago, PQ) experiences

Reply December 30, 2012

I liked it when we were a rare class, I felt unique and humbled that people wanted me in their parties because of my awesome auras.

Reply December 30, 2012

Probably 2nd. I don't even see bishops any more just phantoms....

Yeah, until another flashier mage than Luminous comes out, I think Battle Mages will remain #2, even after BKB makes them OP since the whole Luminous dark/light appeals to more people. I am not a huge Luminous fan yet, but I made one for he link skill and I can honestly say that Luminous feels more magicky than any other mage to me.

Reply December 30, 2012

[quote=yoyobrains0]bishops are pretty common in training places like lhc or SH[/quote]
Because where would we be without bishops?


Reply December 25, 2012

bishops are pretty common in training places like lhc or SH

Reply December 25, 2012

Bishops are common? o.o

Reply December 25, 2012

You never see bishops anymore But everywhere I go, I find a Luminous lol.

Reply December 25, 2012