arcticfrost #General Talk


I just got hacked, but now I'm sure how And to start off, no, I don't have any keyloggers, I scan my computer frequently, I don't download hacks, I don't go to hacking websites even, and I've never shared my account I'm 99% sure it was in the free market, because I NEVER go there, but today I was trying to sell my WG for some cash to get a ZHelm, and when I logged out, I stayed out for a while, but my PIC was changed when I tried to log back in. I quickly reset my PIC and changed my password, but for some reason, the hacker transferred stuff from my other characters, got rid of my scrolls and other equips, but kept some, and I have MORE money? The thing that sucks is all the stuff I was auctioning off on basil is now gone, and I'm about to