

175 Shadower coming back

Hey there all,

I recently came back after like 3 1/2 years and I managed to get my old account back, however I seem to not be as good as I remember. I'll post a link to an album of my gear (because typing all that out would be a nightmare) and I seem to not have any rings, as well as no emblem or badge. I'm working on the emblem as I type this up, although with how different everything is and my 140 gear seeming to just be trash now I am at a loss for what to do.

To me it seems like, get 4 decent enough rings, get a badge, and then just boss daily. I have about 40m and nothing really to sell (Besides a ton of legend maple weps from back then) so funding is definitely an issue, and also I won't be buying NX. Do people still craft sneakers for %stat?

Anyway. If I think of more questions I'll add them below, but thanks in advance you guys!

August 14, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


Honestly, just play it out and wait for events. With some time, patience, and dedication, events can net you a great number of items that can greatly benefit your character. If you're looking for some extra damage + stat boosts, try making link mules. Funding is a whole different situation. Join a guild, finish gollux quest line, and see if anyone is willing to help you out. You can also take advantage of Commerci quests. Tedious, but worth it.

Reply August 20, 2015

Yea np based on what you said you should be fine just take advantage of events. Even with minimal funding bosses are much easier now. Just grab a friend or two if you are having trouble. Enjoy

Reply August 14, 2015

[quote=xgrip2k5]It's possible to scrape a decent pool of mesos but don't expect too much out of maple if you aren't going to be buying nx. A lot of the equips have deflated and making money off bosses is a meager living. Tbh the game is still enjoyable having low funds and not being able to solo all the bosses. Just play and you'll slowly catch on to all the changes.[/quote]

Realistically I'm just playing again because its one game I've never gotten tired of after a few months. I'd just like to be able to do basic bosses on my own, and just slowly build to end-game (Even though that'll probably advance once I get near, but hey). I figure somewhere around 9%stat on my end gear is my final goal without spending real money on this and now with all these rewards it doesn't seem too out of reach. I've never been one to want all of my end gear as soon as I start playing because I feel like that takes all of the challenge away and then whats the point.

But thank you traitor for your guide and response, as well as you xgrip2k5

Reply August 14, 2015 - edited

It's possible to scrape a decent pool of mesos but don't expect too much out of maple if you aren't going to be buying nx. A lot of the equips have deflated and making money off bosses is a meager living. Tbh the game is still enjoyable having low funds and not being able to solo all the bosses. Just play and you'll slowly catch on to all the changes.

Reply August 14, 2015 - edited

@areynante: I'd say just hold out until you get there. No need to dish out any extra money. If you have the Evolving rings or Zombie rings from back in the day, use them. Otherwise, just hold out. There's no really use wasting money on temporary equips.

I wrote that guide so in there it should start you off on how to gear your way up without spending too much, if anything.

Reply August 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=traitor][url=]Read this thoroughly[/url][/quote]

Got it. Could've spent a little more time on the forum itself before posting I suppose. Thank you for the link.

Although one thing that stands out, any idea on 4 rings to tide me over until Gollux? Or just wait until then?

Reply August 14, 2015 - edited

[url=]Read this thoroughly[/url]

Reply August 14, 2015 - edited