

Bishop Hyper Stats


What would be the hyper stats priority list for bishop according to you?

Thanks in advance

December 22, 2015

11 Comments • Newest first


Considering crit & min crit are an important stat for us, is it worth buying the dark critical ring in Reboot or I'd better get phantom and BT (when available) link skill, thus leaving that 5% min crit?

Reply December 28, 2015 - edited

[quote=haleyrose]Status Resist (A must for bishops in order to achieve 100% status resist.)[/quote]

it's not a must, it's fairly easy to achieve 100% status resist with the following sources:

+ 40% [divine protection]
+ 10% [holy symbol - preparation (passive)]
+ 10% [holy symbol - preparation (active)]
+ 20% [Lv. 100 willpower]
+ 25% [Lv. 10 Cygnus Knights link skill]

Add up to 105%.

Reply December 28, 2015 - edited

Bishops don't need hyper critical as they can already get 100%. 5(base)+70(passives)+15(Phantom)+3(Wand)+7(Beast Tamer), since BT isn't available on reboot yet, they can cap at 93 without inner or potential atm unless you want to invest a few points into hyper then reset it when BT is open so you save points.
I don't recommend using INT as it's a flat stat and from I seen, it doesn't affect potentials. What I am doing is Damage% (30% damage is nice) -> boss damage% (35% is a good boost for bossing) -> min/max critical damage (a must for bishops)-> Status Resist (A must for bishops in order to achieve 100% status resist.) -> Ignore enemy defense (Not really used for training but good for end game bosses.)

Stance is useless as infinity can already cover that along with the mihile link. HP/MP are also a waste of points as there are many ways of gaining HP/MP from potential, links, character cards and more. Not sure if elemental resistance affects bosses like hilla or pink bean but if it does, it would be recommended as well.

Reply December 27, 2015 - edited

@akatsukidark: I had no idea it only works on yourself. regardless, it's a great option for maxing.
And I invested on INT until about level 7. I still recommend investing points on INT rather than, say, stance - if you have Mihile link, or anything other than the 5 you mentioned.

Reply December 24, 2015 - edited

@natty2: INT is not that useful compared to the other hyper stats and would be one of the last things to prioritize as it does not work with % potential.

Damage's description is wrong. It only helps yourself.

Elemental resistance from hyper stats is useless as it is not the type that gives your attacks resistance towards bosses; it's meant to resist damage against incoming elemental attacks towards you. (Ex: enough elemental resistance would make Oz from Empress do 1's to you with her fire attacks.)


-Boss Damage
-Min crit
-Ignore Enemy Defense
-Max crit

At level 250, you'll be able to max out 5 Lv 10 skills and 1 LV 9 skill with some extra SP.

Bishops can get 100% crit rate and 100% status resistance with proper hyper passive stats and proper link skills/trait bonuses.

Reply December 24, 2015 - edited

I've looked around and the main consensus in no particular order is

Most important:
Boss Damage
Min Crit
Max Crit

A lot of people have been saying maybe investing a couple of points in crit, but i feel it's not that hard getting 100% crit on a bishop so you might as well save those points.

Reply December 24, 2015 - edited

whats elemental resistance? o.o

Reply December 24, 2015 - edited

Not sure but the int in the hyper stat is separate from your potential so it might be actually useless. I haven't tested out myself but others claim this.

I went this order
- dmg
- boss dmg
- min crit
- pdr
- max crit
- elemental resistance

But this order is adjustable depending on your potentials on your gear. And I personally haven't even gotten to max out 5 skills yet at lvl 230 LOL.

Reply December 23, 2015 - edited

@unfazed each player only gets 5 points. I usualy alternate between EXP and HMS.

depending on your needs, you invest the Hyper stats.
I, for example, don't need crit rate because I have 100%.
If you're not 100% yet, consider investing points there.

You wouldn't want to invest on HP/MP/LUK Since there's so many other better options. Same goes for Stance if you have mihile link, otherwise you might want to put those 5 points on it.

You would definitely want the following:

[*] INT
[*] Minimum Crit Damage
[*] Maximum Crit Damage
[*] Ignore Defense
[*] Damage (Description mentioned it's for party members!! EVERY BISHOP WOULD WANT THAT)
[*] Boss Damage
[*] Elemental Resistance (< VERY IMPORTANT for bishops, and VERY useful regardless of class)
[*] (*UNLESS MAXED*) Abnormal Status Resistance (I, for example, don't need. Bisops have it easy)

If you reached the point where you got plenty extra, and you still winder what to max (i.e. passed level 231 or around that level) You Would resort to that extra Luk, and some stance, and probably some extra MP if you could.

Reply December 23, 2015 - edited

I was asking about hyper stats, not hyper skills

Reply December 23, 2015 - edited

edit: blind

Reply December 23, 2015 - edited