
potential stats glitch


so i dont know if there are other threads like this one.
but im pretty sure those OP % stats arent just typos.

there have been unique weapons that have 14% weapon att and 16% weapon att on them
if that was a typo, why is the % on the right side?
even if the position of the percent/plus sign doesnt matter, how could there POSSIBLY be a +14 att on a unique item let alone ANY item? Only +stats i've seen were on rare/epic items(+12 weapon att), but definitely not UNIQUE(9% atk or 6% total dmg). unique potential stats are all percentages.

I have seen this on many weapons and I'm pretty sure many of you have, too.
There has to be more to this potential stats glitch.

October 8, 2011

6 Comments • Newest first


typo = hit wrong key accidentally?
that's how i defined it.
but if by your definition, it's just simply typing something false/incorrect, then yes those are VERY misleading typos
my point is to suggest that these typos are not just a simple 14% wep atk = +14 wep atk, but maybe, let's say 6% atk?

Reply October 16, 2011

you no sense make. what? - you are saying the stats are 'NOT TYPOS!' , yet you said they never existed? if the stats dont give what it SAYS, they ARE TYPOS!

OT: lock your thread, the link above is written by a more intelligent person about this topic. this is gibberish.

Reply October 16, 2011 - edited

im not announcing there's a glitch or something lol, that's been common knowledge for some time now.
im saying that the %stats are NOT TYPOS. some of them could be, but the example i mentioned with the 14% and 16% weapon att does not seem like a possible stat when cubes were NOT glitched.
and yea the glitches are pretty wack -> person turned unique item into a epic item o.o

Reply October 16, 2011 - edited

[quote=DrSwNemo]They're glitches. Bugs in the system. It can be aaaaannnnnnyyyyyytttttthhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggg.[/quote]

Bugs in the system? I thought it was Ghost in the Shell...

Reply October 12, 2011 - edited

Reply October 12, 2011 - edited

Nexon tries to get a whole bunch of legit players scammed so they will buy nx to get themselves back up to where they were before.

Reply October 12, 2011 - edited