asianhustler #General Talk


New Class Lag Has anyone noticed this new over powered class released by nexon? It's called Lag, and it totally out damages me and other maplers. I've seen it, and heard it from other maplers, too. They're over powering, and able to solo zakum in 2 seconds. They have an ultimate called disconnection, and it has no cooldown! omg @___@ This class needs to be nerfed, anyone agree? But no really, can anyone help me with this recent lag issue? xD Maplestory was always able to run smoothly on my laptop, but for this past month, it's been showing otherwise. Helps Plox :p Edit: I've tried ending process & setting lowest priority on Black Cipher, but with no affect :C


Spear And Pole Arms Attack Speeds I've heard that the speeds of spears or pole arms with a weapon attack speed of 7 (slow) will be increased to 6 (normal). Is this true? If so, when will this be happening? During union (2nd week of march) would be a good guess, but I can't find the note that says this speed change on orange mushroom's blog or shakar96's blog. (Perhaps I skimmed over it), but just to make sure, I'm asking here :) So, would anyone know or be able to attach a link to the comments? :p


New Class Lag Has anyone noticed this new over powered class released by nexon? It's called Lag, and it totally out damages me and other maplers. I've seen it, and heard it from other maplers, too. They're over powering, and able to solo zakum in 2 seconds. They have an ultimate called disconnection, and it has no cooldown! omg @___@ This class needs to be nerfed, anyone agree? But no really, can anyone help me with this recent lag issue? xD Maplestory was always able to run smoothly on my laptop, but for this past month, it's been showing otherwise. Helps Plox :p Edit: I've tried ending process & setting lowest priority on Black Cipher, but with no affect :C