Name your worst League of Legends rage

Me and my friend both have anger management issues. Today I was playing against a fiddlesticks in mid lane with Ahri and fiddlesticks is the most annoying champion next to katarina. I tried harassing him, but he healed all the time, and i'd become oom if I want to keep him harassed. He drained my health at one time, I ran away, he drained again, took half my health and I ulted away, but he ignited so I died. My friend got pissed off at me. The second time he killed me he did the same thing, I could not lane against fiddles. I called mia a bunch of times, I forgot mia once, but my friend got mad at me for letting him roam and told me to follow him when he does, but I cant because when I died, idk where he went, he probably recalled and went to gank bot, so nothing I can do. Anyway, I get fed later on becoming 7/3, fiddles has the same score, but he would come in teamfights late, use zhonyas, and pick up the kills that his team couldnt get. It was hard playing against this guy. My friend disconnected skype, wouldn't even say bye and got mad at me for fiddles killing me twice, even though he killed the rest of our team 11 more times. LoL is full of rage.

September 3, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


Darius owns.

Reply September 3, 2012

Your friend has issues if he gets THAT mad in a normal game.

Reply September 3, 2012