

athos28 #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Equip help please! Since potential came out i have not exactly updated my equips. I am starting to merch again and I am going to reach to about what it takes to have descent equips. I am guessing ill be at 4-6bilish and I dont want to sorta go more because of the lack of time i have to make more money. Can y'all tell me what should I upgrade or something new to get? My equips are these as follows right nows, yes i know they aren't great, I was always lazy to make money because I was on my way to level fast. hat:17/15/15/15 pendant:dep star *I will get a mon* belt: 7/4/4/4 red belt ring :adventurer's crit ring Earring: 11 dex 1 luk u/h cape:no cape atm, I sold it a month ago. gloves: 15 att wg. shoes: 3 dex 3% dex potential green lvl 100 arc

General Bowman

Hurricane vs. Wild Arrow Blast I see many threads of these. I would like to finally end it. I would like to point out which job is better damage wise for bossing. Hurricane and Wild Arrow blast both have 200% damage per arrow. So, the damage is the same. However, there is something missing here. We forgot to include all buffs and other skills. Both jobs have SE, however the big difference is concentrate and feline berserk. Feline berserk increases att by 20% and has a 4 MINUTE cooldown and lasts for 120 seconds. That means a wild hunter will not have feline berserk on for 2 minutes in between, unless there is dispel, etc. Concentrate gives w. att by 35 and has a 5 MINUTE cooldown and lasts for 240 seconds. That means a BM will not have conc

General Bowman

Hurricane vs. Wild Arrow Blast I see many threads of these. I would like to finally end it. I would like to point out which job is better damage wise for bossing. Hurricane and Wild Arrow blast both have 200% damage per arrow. So, the damage is the same. However, there is something missing here. We forgot to include all buffs and other skills. Both jobs have SE, however the big difference is concentrate and feline berserk. Feline berserk increases att by 20% and has a 4 MINUTE cooldown and lasts for 120 seconds. That means a wild hunter will not have feline berserk on for 2 minutes in between, unless there is dispel, etc. Concentrate gives w. att by 35 and has a 5 MINUTE cooldown and lasts for 240 seconds. That means a BM will not have conc