
Can you put boss nebs on shields?

Don't want to unneb my 4% and find out you can't..


April 3, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=DeeeMon]Yes, you can. I put a 4% crit rate neb on my Dkhanjar and it worked. It should be the same thing for boss.[/quote]

oh it better be ;-;

Reply April 3, 2013

Yes, you can. I put a 4% crit rate neb on my Dkhanjar and it worked. It should be the same thing for boss.

Reply April 3, 2013

@betaboi101 and if it works, he'll be putting boss % in a nubby shield?

nm forget it. didnt fully read your post

Reply April 3, 2013 - edited

You can always test it by putting a crappy weapon neb on some crappy shield

Reply April 3, 2013 - edited