

Zakum skill books

Is there any way to determine what skill book Zakum drops without picking it up? Cuzz the icons all look the same on basil.

September 27, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


Thanks for all the fast responses; Now I just gotta find some people to run zak with.

Reply September 27, 2012

The skill book drop will look exactly the same as the skill icon (the one you actually hotkey and use). If you're looking for a specific skill, look for the skill's icon instead of how the book looks like.

Reply September 27, 2012

[quote=xDracius]If you were to kill Zakum and the books dropped, you'd clearly see the symbol.
Only when it is in your inventory does it look the same, but by then you could just hover over it and see.[/quote]

He asked this because he want to be able to identify the book and not loot something he doesn't need the books on the ground don't exactly have the names hovering over them. Did you read what he asked? o.o

Reply September 27, 2012

[quote=Barquifa]Actually, yes all the skill book icons look the exact same. Maybe try searching for the mastery book instead on basil ( ex. you need advanced combo attack 10 but you don't know what it looks like. search "advanced combo attack" in the item search bar^ and look at 20 and 30. the skill book will have the same icon) =] However, there are some skill books that max out at 10 so you won't find the icon here...maybe try googling it [/quote]

If you were to kill Zakum and the books dropped, you'd clearly see the symbol.
Only when it is in your inventory does it look the same, but by then you could just hover over it and see.

I don't know about you, but I can clearly see the 20, 30, and if somebody were selling the 10, you could see that it's the 10.

Reply September 27, 2012 - edited

No they don't.[/quote]

Actually, yes all the skill book icons look the exact same. Maybe try searching for the mastery book instead on basil ( ex. you need advanced combo attack 10 but you don't know what it looks like. search "advanced combo attack" in the item search bar^ and look at 20 and 30. the skill book will have the same icon) =] However, there are some skill books that max out at 10 so you won't find the icon here...maybe try googling it

Reply September 27, 2012 - edited

No they don't.

Reply September 27, 2012 - edited