

ayushgarg #General Talk


How can I merchant with what I have? Hi guys. Im pretty low on money right now. I have about 75m to spare for merchanting. It is pretty hard for me to get NX as I live in India and there are no stores which sell Nexon Cards here. Also, I cant do surveys as they dont work here. I was planning of merching around by spamming in the Fm as of now untill I can get one of my friends to help me and sell me a Store Permit with which i can merchant faster. I am level 92 so far and I am a Thunder Breaker so it is hard for me to get money by farming as my level is pretty low but I am open to ideas from where and which monsters I can farm to gain money. Please do not recommend me to do Subani's Legacy as I have done that on all 7 of my characters. Thank


Best bossers for me? Now I know that some of the best bossers are MMs, Shades, Zero, F/P, NL, NW etc. Which one of these would you recommend if I were to only supply a CRA(Emp for thieves because Faf claw is a too expensive) and Reinforced Gollux gear? Im not looking to be able to kill Hellux right now but I want to be able to kill Normal Gollux and later Hard, Normal Magnus etc. Also, please dont recommend me Zeros, I dont have the best ping and its tough to play them without a good ping. Also, dont recommend me F/P since I dont like their playstyle. Also, if there are other classes which you think could work better, please tell me.Thanks for your input!

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