
Saying cc please

Ok so i understand that people like to have a map to themselves and stuff

But like i am training at MP3 atm on my DW and as soon as i enter a channel someone says cc please/plz/whatever other word they use

Now when you enter the mp3 map the main spawn points are where monters are and as you know you cant cc after you have been hit. so i either go to the rope or to the taxi. By the time i get there some of these people have given 2 or 3 comments asking me to cc

I can understand people asking others to cc if they are killing the monsters. But when simply "surfing" to find an empty channel and being told to cc straight away when it is impossible for me to do so after i have been hit. It gets annoying after a while...

Why can't people just be patient and wait for people to get to a safe spot to cc before commanding themselves to do so?

Anyhoo thats all
Have a good day my fellow Basilers

June 6, 2011

6 Comments • Newest first


always makes me want to get on my dw and have a little fun with them first before getting back onto the character i was using before

Reply June 6, 2011

i HATE when I'm told to CC before I even get a chance to. It makes me want to KS -___-

Reply June 6, 2011

Trust me, I HATED seeing this back at MP3. They literally expect you to automatically cc after being hit by the large mob of monsters that are surrounding you. I can understand that it is a highly contested map and all, but they could atleast show a bit of common courtesy and patience. Now what even drove me more insane is when there is an open platform there, and there is no one on there at all to take it. Since an open platform means an open slot for another person at MP3, you think that it is okay to take it, because it is. NOT SO FAST! There's always that one guy who has a problem with sharing and tells you (not asks you) to cc even though there is more than enough room for more than one person on the map. That is what grinds my gears.

Reply June 6, 2011

Yeah i can understand asking to cc if they start attacking or ksing you
But if your simply surfing the channels they could at least give you a few seconds or something

Reply June 6, 2011

its really annoying, when they say that it sounds like KS ME PL0X to me...
stupid noobs

Reply June 6, 2011

I feel you bro.
Whenever I'm Changing channels and someone instantly says.
I just have this gut-urge to KS them y'know? I normally don't though >_>.

Whenever I'm in my own map and someone cc's in I normally wait atleast 30 seconds to see if he/she starts attacking.
And if He/She does I think ask them to "Please change channels".
From What I can tell they normally listen and change channels.

Reply June 6, 2011