

social anxiety in college pls help

hi, i'm coming to basil for a problem and undoubtedly some people in this thread are going to call me a b but idc. i'm going into my second year of college and i've found that i have very few friends here and no participation in organizations. class starts tomorrow and i've been feeling really lonely these past few days in the dorms waiting to meet people in my classes. despite being academically well off, i feel that my entire first year has been completely wasted because of my inability to make connections and network. i wish i could start college over again.

most of my friends in high school were people i knew since elementary school, but we all ended up going to different colleges. at this point, it feels like a lot of people have solidified friends groups. whenever i go to the first day of class, the other people there seem to already be there with their own groups of friends. sometimes it feels invasive to join barge into their conversation and i think this is where most of my anxiety comes from. by the time the second day of class comes, it seems like everybody else has gotten their study buddies while the person i talked to on the first day doesn't even show interest in keeping up or we never see each other again. i just feel like i'm shut down all the time when i do approach people, and nobody ever tries to initiate a conversation with me. the thing is, i feel like i look completely normal and i dress well (no i'm not fedora neckbeard fat guy with anime profile pictures, nor am i le classy gent wearing a suit everyday to school nor am i yoloswag "illipino&quot

classes start tomorrow and club meetings start soon. i want to actively change myself and make myself approachable, but at this point i just need advice on how to not be so pathetic.

tl;dr how do i not be beta

September 25, 2013

13 Comments • Newest first


just have a silent moment and remind yourself that you are in 60-70yrs old journey and its going to end. Nothing matters, be as awkward as you can and jump into conversations like there is no tomorrow. Really, stop taking things too seriously and enjoy. As long as you have food, shelter, and safety, you good to go.

Now my comment might sound cheesy, but I want you to re-read it and fully understand it.

Reply September 25, 2013

if u in chicago based college i can be friends wit u

Reply September 25, 2013

I think you should try opening up and talking to others. It's going to be hard, (I know from experience) but it's going to be the best thing. Your anxiety just isn't going over night, it's something you need to cop with. I suggest taking it like baby steps, try getting out of your comfort zone little by little. Don't just jump into something that is going to overwhelm you. However it's up to you, you know your body more than anyone else.

Reply September 25, 2013

I volunteered to help freshmen move in. Then for the first week, I just sat with people who were sitting by themselves regardless of their gender.

Making friends is easy. There are thousands of kids at your college: there must be at least one kid who shares your interests.

Reply September 25, 2013

Coming from a high schooler - there's always lower classmen who are also new.

Reply September 25, 2013

get out of your comfort zone

Reply September 25, 2013

Try showing up to class early and sitting down next to someone that seems nice. Strike up a conversation, make small talk and then bring up whether or not they're down to study for the class in the future. Shouldn't be hard to make study buddies that way. You don't have to interrupt conversations but just keep in mind that if you're a funny guy, people won't mind.

In classes where I went with friends, if someone interjected a funny remark and had something interesting to say, we'd be more than happy to let them in on it. So long as you aren't making obscure references, weird jokes or referencing internet memes, you should be OK.

Reply September 25, 2013

Kind of the same way right now. Friends I made in freshman year turned out to be asshats that all waste their time on League, trying to find new people right now that want to do more than right click and QWER all day.

The best way is to join clubs so you can meet people with your same interests. Try just going up to people and having small talk while you're waiting in line for lunch or something. I've made a few friends so far that way. Also, pick up a game like Yugioh or something. Lots of college aged people (and people over 21, *winkwink*) play it and there's tons of money in the game. Also, just sit next to somebody in class that's wearing a shirt of a band you like or something, comment on it, small talk, talk about class, numbers, ask them later if they want to chill, bam, insta-friend.
This sounds kind of silly, but try smoking hookah or weed. Or better yet, refine your taste of drinking. Lots of people are interested in it and the coolest people I've met were through circles of friends that do these things. If you can perfect the art of setting up a hookah and making the perfect blends of shisha, you'll make tons of friends, especially if you can get away with parties at your dorms.

If you're at UNLV, hit me up. Looking for a new crowd anyways.

Reply September 25, 2013

I'm the same way but I made all my friends through group projects and what not. Simply sitting beside someone and talking about the class, and moving on too more personal questions usually works when you want to talk to people. Someone told me I needed to smile more maybe you should try that as well.

Reply September 25, 2013

if you're not the class scapegoat, nobody will mind if you barge in on their conversations.
Just try to sit beside people who look nice and try to get involved in a conversation.

Last year I made one of my best University friends studying for a midterm: if people post stuff on facebook like, "We're studying in a group for ____" GO. Go and socialize/study together.

May I ask what program you're taking? It might change things

Reply September 25, 2013

You just have to get out of your comfort zone. Start opening up and eventually you won't be afraid as much as before. I'm kinda in the same boat as you (I don't know how to dance and be social lol). It's alright if you can't get out of your comfort zone, just keep trying everyday to get out of it though.

Reply September 25, 2013 - edited

i sorta get u bc im sort of going through the same thing even tho i actually made friends decently in my freshman year because people were really nice to approach me, i just didnt keep contact and i think i was desperate for companionship even if i really didn't enjoy it 100% (mostly because i am shy, not bc i think other people suck) and never made plans so they were mostly class buddies and in-between class time buddies which isn't rlly much, like i only went out like once every 2 or 3 months with other people. i just started this year, and i literally only have 1 friend i know for sure i'll keep and a dude im sorta seeing

what im trying to do now (just started uni today) is to not seem too busy and just sit there and allow myself to feel vulnerable (e.g. no phone out when im shy, no brief answers for conversations, smile to whoever i see) being closed off and shutting down guarantees you'll have less pals than the person who actively and passively open to people. i haven't really talked to anybody yet but i think theres a lot of potential, but that normal person in your class (or even one thats sorta weird which is cool) who's also sitting by themselves will be happy you're talking to them, literally always unless they're really socially awkward or a jerk

Reply September 25, 2013 - edited

What kind of clubs do they have at your college? Just find one you're truly interested in and you'll be able to find at least one friend. Also, if you're feeling like a loner (though you said you have a few friends), then try making connections with other "loners" in class or during a club meeting.

And don't feel too anxious and look desperate

Reply September 25, 2013 - edited