

This is making me feel horrible

Okay, I have a girlfriend whom i am in love with very much and trust her completely. She has made a guy friend at university who works at a place I used to. From what I know, he has constantly has tried to get with my lady coworker friend even though he knows SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND. He's a disgusting person with no respect for other peoples relationship. At the beginning of the semester he was being extremely friendly to my girlfriend and dropping hints that he liked her while he knew she is my girlfriend. She told me that she kind of started to like him back but she was completely wrong and actually loves me, But she never let me talk to him and always got mad when i insisted that i wanted to tell him off. I had a talk with him anyway telling him to f off and i kind of threatened him. He stopped being creepy for a while but after around a month later he became more friendly with my girlfriend and told her he had feelings for her but he did not want to get in between our relationship. It not like hes extremely close with her so why say something like that if hes not trying to get in between us? She told me about it and i said that its not okay to do that, and she agrees and told me that if he continues to do this she will break off the friendship with him. I still trust her because she has told me she loves me more than anyone and cant imagine being without me. I kind of looked through her phone because i was feeling bad the day before and i can see that she texts him all the time and when he was apologizing for that confession he made, she told him it was okay and i was not going to beat him up. She told me she doesn't want to tell him off because shes the type of person who doesn't like to hurt the feelings of others and i understand that but she absolutely didn't say anything against that. She is continuing to text him all happy and being excited for them to have class together next semester as well. I trust her not to cheat and she keeps saying no when i ask her if she likes him, but i don't understand why she continues being good friends with this jerk while fully knowing his intentions...

December 3, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=BoredAF]Make her see the situation from your point of view. Tell her one of your female friends is hitting on you.[/quote]

Her watching me text one of my female friends today was enough to make her upset. I asked her what the problem was and she told me shes just a very jealous type of person. And I told her that my female friends are not like that creepy guy shes friends with so she shouldn't have to worry and she got angry..

Reply December 3, 2014

@BaiserVous: well you should hope that she is right. i've seen too many similar scenarios and they always end up crashing into the ground.

Reply December 3, 2014

[quote=nindow]your relationship is going downhill. she is constantly communicating with him and she does not want you to interfere with her relationship to that guy. i would not be surprised if she starts to cheat on you with that guy which would lead to her saying "oh but it wasnt cheating bblah blah blah" and will get angry when confronted. and when stuff hits the fan, she will try to put all the blame on you. honestly, if she does not respect and value the relationship that the both of you have, you should end it.[/quote]

I don't think she would go far cheating and i know for a fact that she loves me. I just have a feelings that when she says she doesn't like him its not entirely true.

Reply December 3, 2014

that's messed up man, think you need to establish with her that it's not okay to be friends with that guy

Reply December 3, 2014

your relationship is going downhill. she is constantly communicating with him and she does not want you to interfere with her relationship to that guy. i would not be surprised if she starts to cheat on you with that guy which would lead to her saying "oh but it wasnt cheating bblah blah blah" and will get angry when confronted. and when stuff hits the fan, she will try to put all the blame on you. honestly, if she does not respect and value the relationship that the both of you have, you should end it.

Reply December 3, 2014

I would be concerned. One thing is not telling him anything directly, another is to be texting someone she already has started to like on the regular, especially when she knows you disapprove. I'd have a serious chat with her and tell her you're not comfortable with her being around someone she has already come to like--and she even admitted was wrong to--and that it makes you feel uncomfortable. If she makes a big deal out of it, then she's not really respecting your limits. If you make that clear and she doesn't care, then she doesn't love you as much as you think. Sad but true.

Reply December 3, 2014 - edited