

i might get braces soon

I was one of those people that was supposed to get braces as a kid, but never did because of family finances

Well over the last 3 or 4 years my smile got a lot worse than it was previously

I had one orthodontic consultation so far with a dental school a couple of months ago, but can't go with them because they have everyone that wants to get stuff done over there go through care credit, which basically is care credit paying the place you are gonna get work done at in full (if you get approved), and then you pay care credit

If you get approved and theres a promotion or you pay quick enough its great because you wouldn't get charged interest

Otherwise it kinda sucks

So im having a second consultation done on Tuesday with a private practice orthodontist office which has good hours, a good website, good reviews, and has in house financing

If the financing works out I will probably be going with them and at latest should have braces on before the end of the month (thats if they think i need anything extra done before braces, otherwise its possible I could have braces on Tuesday)

Im excited to get started after so long of not being able to do anything about my messed up smile, I think the only thing decent about my smile is that I try to brush and use mouthwash as you should and my bottom row of teeth looks complete (even though I have lost teeth from my bottom row a regular person wouldn't know), other than that ive got a very open bite, a slight overbite, a slight crossbite, and the alignment of my top row of teeth is shifted more to one side with both sides being slightly seperated from losing my front tooth and looking tilted from moving (it wasnt so bad until i lost a tooth near the back)

With all this going on its kinda weird I actually have two family members talking about how I dont really "need " braces because there are worse smiles out there

Sure there are (I see some often at work), but thats nothing to be proud of

August 10, 2015

15 Comments • Newest first


[quote=penguinmoral]I got braces in middle school, every step of the way is one annoying thing after the other .-.
brackets = falls off and rips your gums
wiring = more gum ripping
tightening = can't eat anything
was dam horrible.[/quote]

I can only imagine; still a lot of things in life are some sort of exchange/trade off and I do not want to be one of those people with an awful smile their whole life

Reply August 11, 2015

I got braces in middle school, every step of the way is one annoying thing after the other .-.
brackets = falls off and rips your gums
wiring = more gum ripping
tightening = can't eat anything
was dam horrible.

Reply August 11, 2015

[quote=tranquil]I'm 23 and got my braces on 8ish months ago. My situation is a little bit different then yours (I'm prepping for jaw surgery) but the end result will be the same. Honestly, I can't stand having braces, especially as an adult, but it'll all be worth it in the end. I say go for it! Everyone loves a beautiful smile [/quote]

Its all up to financing really, I think the $3000 I have in total (part cash, part flex card) should be enough for a down payment and probably more, if not id just have to save more (though id have another $500 in a few days)

Reply August 10, 2015

Yeah, i'm thinking of getting one soon, too.
I have a slight underbite and the gaps between my top row of teeth is quite conspicuous. My bottom row is mostly fine, but just needs a few minor adjustments.
Honestly, it kinds of hurt my self-esteem knowing that my teeth kind of look like crap. I think of how people would perceive me all the time while engaging in a conversation. It doesn't stop me from laughing, though. But whenever I smile, I always keep my mouth closed o.o
A friend of mine got braces last year and the results were astonishing! It motivated me into asking my parents about getting one. They agreed to do so
I hope everything turns out well for you!

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

I'm 22 and this will be my 8ish month of braces.
My parents were also like "nahh you don't need braces" so they didn't get it for me in my teen years. Even omw to getting braces my parents didn't like it bc they were afraid I was gonna look ugly with the metal in my mouth and all. I'd like to say it was pretty cheap because my sister insisted I do a one-time payment instead of with interest so she paid for me for the moment. This was in cash and includes retainers.
I actually don't mind having braces. It def hurt the first month in and when power chains were put in on one side of my mouth. Plus, the way my teeth were aligned before led me to have cavities way easier. I cannot remember a time in my childhood where I didn't come out with a cavity filled

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

I'm 23 and got my braces on 8ish months ago. My situation is a little bit different then yours (I'm prepping for jaw surgery) but the end result will be the same. Honestly, I can't stand having braces, especially as an adult, but it'll all be worth it in the end. I say go for it! Everyone loves a beautiful smile

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

[quote=clementz]I turned twenty.
Thinking of getting some myself, because my parents can't afford them.
Still debating it though, because I don't smile with my teeth, and unless I'm purposefully showing them to you, you never see them, even in conversation.[/quote]

I really don't smile either, at least not in a way that shows my teeth

If anything not smiling in a way that shows your teeth is a good reason to get braces because you would want to smile when you get the braces off and have everything as it should be

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

My right k9 juts out a lot and makes me look like a vampire with one really big tooth. It makes me look 12 when I try smiling.

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

I turned twenty.
Thinking of getting some myself, because my parents can't afford them.
Still debating it though, because I don't smile with my teeth, and unless I'm purposefully showing them to you, you never see them, even in conversation.

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

Tbh I'm glad I had braces in middle school it was really worth it

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

As long as you're under 30 it's not that bad. I was supposed to get braces too, but they wanted to pull four of my teeth then move the rest together.
My teeth aren't that great but I'm already 18 but I figured I might as well do it.
But recently I chipped one tooth, and broke one and lost one (which was put back in) and that made things more complicated. So I dunno how long it'll be before I could get braces.

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

just remember to brush often, scrape yur tongue often, when you get the metal thingies replaced always try yur hardest to check if anything is poking your cheek, be honest with the people at the orthodontics,

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

Its going to be worth it. Just remember to eat a lot before you get them because I've been there

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

my bitemakr is like this

-_---(1)---_- (The (1) is just there to signify my left front and my right fronttooth, it's not there irl )

the underscore is the tooth right next to my front tooth.
The three - are my frontteeth.
One of the main reasons I didn't get braces is because my jaw/mouth is to small so my teeth can't align properly. So they have to break my jaw and add some metal plating so my mouth is bigger. Needless to say I will never get braces and continue my life like this happy as can be. As a kid my bottom front tooth was like an half inch backwards then normal. It took time but it finally moved into place. I also still have my wisdom teeth at 19 and probably won't get rid of that either.

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited

If you feel that you need em go for it.

Reply August 10, 2015 - edited