

Modern Warfare 2 was better than Black Ops

I'm sick of Black Ops. MW2 had a variety of things you could do. You could go knife running, OMA noob tubing, and the riot shield. You could do well with any weapon. Heck, I even miss QSing. But Black Ops ruined it. To "balance" noob tubing, they added flak jacket and no bling/scavenger, and nerfed the range. To "balance" knifing they made getting marathon pro an absolute hell. You can't win without the famas, ak74u, or galil, you'll just be overpowered. And to top it all off, they made second chance one of the only good green perks. When I'm getting 7-9 assists a game you know something is wrong. There's plenty more I can whine about, but I won't.

TL; DR version: MW2>BO, therefor I quit BO.

January 23, 2011

30 Comments • Newest first


which one is better is a matter of opinion. tight now though for MW2 on the ps3 alot of the lobbies r hacked ones >_>

Reply January 26, 2011

[quote=Robface]I wasn't particularly suggesting that that is how it should be; I just liked how it worked out in MW2, for the most part. (UMP=OP) But that kind of situation ended up happening in MW2 because of the previously mentioned UMP. And I'm still missing what exactly was annoying about quickscoping? Just because it was happening and people were doing it, it bothered you? Or did you think it was cheap in some way or something like that?[/quote]

Haha yeah..I'm sure if I played mw2 more I'd be used to the whole unbalanced thing and all but I don't own the game-only played it at my friends a few times. And ehh yeah, just quickscopping in general was annoying to me lmao probably mainly because a)I was awful at it b)itd be the cause of half my deaths and c)always spawn trapped my team.always. but then again that's just me being a hater

Reply January 24, 2011

go to barebones and play tactical. thats the best gametype. theres no perks, killstreaks, and equipments. so that means less noobs camping in corners because they cant sit there with a silencer trying to get helicopters

Reply January 24, 2011

[quote=Robface]I'm not going to say that mw2 was balanced overall, but I think that the idea that you can use a sniper at any distance is fitting to the game and should be how it was in mw2. The fact that you could 3 shot somebody across a map with a UMP makes it so that an smg can be used at any distance; why shouldn't one be able to use any gun at any distance? And what was so annoying with quickscoping? What, that your teammates would do it and you might lose the tdm that you're playing? Play one not based on kills. Play ffa. I almost always play ffa when I quickscope. And if you care that much about your w/l ratio, play with a group of people regularly.[/quote]

if a sniper were to be used at any distance, the game would be chaotic. certain guns are used for certain ranges; smgs are obviously lighter and used for rushers so their range should be cut short. assault rifles or lmg, however, should definitely have a greater range than any smg. if any gun could be used for any sort of distance, this game would be out of control- everybody in the game might as well have the same gun (which is sort of what happened in mw2 if i recall correctly with the snipes).
quickscopping was always just annoying to me probably because i hated on it sooo bad lol, from the times i've played mw2 at least half the enemy team would be quickscopping the crap out of everybody. annoying? i think so.
ffa really isn't my cup of tea either- i like playing with teams dunno why and nah i don't care about my w/l ratio at all, i just like playing with other people as teams.

Reply January 24, 2011

not gonna lie, black ops gets quite boring time-to-time, but that's mainly because everything is balanced out i would say nearly perfectly.
i haven't played mw2 as much as black ops, but i can tell you that just from playing a few mw2 games that that game is SO unbalanced. snipers are made for you to sit and wait for the enemy, not rushing and quick-scoping (which might i add was annoying as helllllllll). and seriously you can be 5+ft from your enemy and they'd still be able to knife you from that distance. treyarch definitely did a good job balancing out every single aspect, but maybe to a point where it's too balanced out.

either way, i still have fun with it. maybe you don't because you're bad. who knows

Reply January 24, 2011

i didn't play much of either but i do agree that MW2 is better than BO. I like MW2 multiplayer. BO decided to get rid of it >_>. Was the only reason i played MW2. But right now both games suck on PS3 cause of all those darn jail broken PS3's.

Reply January 24, 2011

[quote=nguyen0000]I'll admit Black Ops got pretty boring after the 1st month but its the people like you who made MW2
a Living Hell. MW2 was a pretty good game until OMA noobtubes and MLC (Marathon, Lightweight, Commando)
was exploited. Yeah sure, maybe you can't go 150-1 QSing in BO like you can in MW2 but you have to see
its partially the community's fault BO turned out the way it is. If the standards for commentaries weren't set so high
for call of duty we could still have QSing. And yes in a way MW2 is better than Black Ops. It ISN'T a fact but its an
opinion. If IW patched OMA like they promised, or reduced Commando lunge even just by a little it would've been better.
Anyways my point is MW2 maybe more fun, but Black Ops is more balanced and less QQing or Rage-Quitting.

PS: Sorry for wall of text [/quote]

Lol man don't get me wrong, my friends and I were STRONGLY against the following in MW2: UMP, ACR, OMA/Scavenger tubing, knifing, drop-shotting, commando, last stand, shotgun running, all those things. However, BO reminded me about how much variety MW2 had because of all these things.

Reply January 24, 2011

I always feel like MW2 has so many people that dominate a lot. When i try to play in the lobbies, i always get either quickscoped or shot down in seconds. =/ I honestly don't know if there is a community designed for nooby players like me. Cause honestly, i can't really improve if i'm always put in a pro lobby all the time. Which makes me reconsider buying Black ops for that reason. I want to play against people that are within my range but i constantly get owned which is bothersome.

Reply January 24, 2011

It WAS better? Well I'm glad Black Ops IS better.

Reply January 24, 2011 - edited

i actually dont really care about stats on the gun, if i can kill with the dam gun then i got no problem at all.

Reply January 24, 2011 - edited

I was good in both black ops and MW2, played MW2 right til Black ops came out...I played black ops for like 3 weeks before I got sick of it.

Reply January 24, 2011 - edited

@Bramblestar: When you did it, were you playing by yourself or with friends? I was able to help my friend get it easily when I was a guest on his XBox, but I have no one to play with on my PS3 so it's impossible to me. I always end up defending others who are capturing the flag Besides that, I also hate objective type games in CoD games(unless it's SnD), so I'm not very patient.

Reply January 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=Jurr]Not saying I completely disagree with you, but I still feel the urge to comment on some things.

The nerf of noobtubing was needed, and Bling and Scavenger are still possible (though Bling is Warlord now). Winning without 74U/Famas/Galil is still possible, I even think the Galil to be slightly underwhelming sometimes. You're right that there are not enough good green perks, but Ninja/Marathon > Second Chance, easily. I agree with you that it sucks that they nerfed sniping so bad, I played some MW with friends today, and even though I suck at it, quickscoping is a delight.

One last word, if a teammate ''needs to be revived'' from Second Chance, let them die and teabag the idiots.

Edit: Second Chance is my most hated perk ever, since Last Stand in MW. Oh well, at least they took out Juggernaut and Martyrdom.[/quote]

What I meant was that you can't use Warlord w/a noobtube, and you can't scavenge up more noobtube nades w/scavenger, sorry for the confusion.

Reply January 24, 2011 - edited

meh... I would play mw2 more only becuase it's "Modern" I wish it had the Ak74u but it wasnt as overpowered or if it was idrc. and if mw2 you could just buy the guns and attachments... becuase really? 300 kills for FMJ

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

The only thing I don't like about MW2 right now, is the amount of hackers on PS3.
I can't go into two consecutive games without someone either having an aimbot, or auto-prestige.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

The one thing that baffles me is why people hate Second Chance so much when it's just a Last Stand replica.

EDIT: In all seriousness, Black Ops wasn't appealing enough to make me spend $50 on it.
In fact, the game-play is just about the same as MW2.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

I always liked MW2 the best, before black ops came out everyone flamed me everywhere because I liked "Modern Warfail 2" better. Now everyone is saying MW2 is better, well what happened to Warfail 2?

This happens to almost every game. People overhype the new release, find out the hype wasn't worth what they made it out to be, decide to hate it and go back to what they previously had, and then love the newer one until another new one releases. Rinse and repeat.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

[quote=Bramblestar]Honestly if you think getting marathon pro is hard than you need to find a new game.[/quote]

I'm not so sure about that, come to me the next time you see more than 1 person in a lobby with marathon pro who hasn't stopped prestiging...

@Acousmatic: What I meant by "Second Chance being the only good green perk" was "It's one of the only green perks with a noticeable effect." Ninja doesn't help much unless you play SnD or have a headset, marathon is difficult to pro, and tactical mask really isn't as beneficial as hacker. There is just way too many people using second chance, It's not okay when 3-4 members of the other team are using it. It hardly benefits the other player; 90% they'll end up dying anyway. Yet it's incredibly annoying to see your kills get stolen, or for you to die from someone else as you attempt to finish them off, worse yet to see them get revived. It's just a tremendous time waster.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

I play mw2 on PC? DO you ? Anyone hit me up


Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

Second Chance frame invincibility is the best thing Treyarch has ever done. Kudos to them for letting people become invincible in a FPS.
Knives? Forget about them. You have to be nose-to-nose with any person to get a knife kill.
And this is only for hardcore players, or perhaps just me, but the booting system is terrible. If I'm going 5x-(some low number) and I accidentally TK 3 people I shouldn't get booted. They should have a vote, or press x to boot thing like Halo. That would be much more sensible than booting me for an accident.
I've noticed that if you're not using an assault rife or the AK-u(which is actually an assault rifle anyway) then you're not going to be able to do anything. All the submachines guns are worthless, maybe besides the spectre. Light machines guns are useless as well.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

[quote=Belloman]Oh man don't even get me started on Hardened. I can just imagine Treyarch:

"Hey let's replace Stopping Power with FMJ!"
"Brilliant! Put it in the same catagory as Sleight of Hand and Steady Aim! That'll do the trick!"[/quote]

At least no one has stopping power... thats better than you being forced to use it or be at a great disadvantage. Also, hardened is a good perk when it is PRO. Only two perks I'm complaining about is Ghost and Second Chance.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

Mw2 was more fun than B. Ops. But... In terms of balance besides a few guns (that they are fixing) B. Ops > Mw2.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

They were both trash.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

[quote=StixJP]I think you're stemming a bit too much hate from you doing bad in-game. If you were only good in MW2 but not COD 4, I can partially see why.[/quote]

I'm not bad the game at all, my K/D has been/was rising steadily from a 1.68 ratio. The problem is that I can only do well with the Stoner or FAMAS, so I get really bored. And nothing can compare to the rage I feel when I drop someone into second chance and get kill stolen. NOTHING. That's pretty much the reason why I'm done with Black Ops, second chance is being abused like never before...

@iArchDK: I hate ghost too, I liked how stopping power was with cold blooded so that cold blooded wasn't used as commonly. And Search is just awful in BO. Search in MW2 though...So good, so, so good.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

[quote=iArchDK]@Belloman: ah. ikr. lf> stopping power
i mean why would they ever take that perk out. it made every gun on an even playing field. and hardened isnt even stopping power, its just FMJ or deep impact. gotta hate them wanna-be perks...[/quote]

Oh man don't even get me started on Hardened. I can just imagine Treyarch:

"Hey let's replace Stopping Power with FMJ!"
"Brilliant! Put it in the same catagory as Sleight of Hand and Steady Aim! That'll do the trick!"

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

i do miss rapid-fire perk, and stopping power and deag.

and i do miss rapid fire plus extended mags on vector.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

I think you're stemming a bit too much hate from you doing bad in-game. If you were only good in MW2 but not COD 4, I can partially see why.

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

cod 5, kthxbye

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited

[quote=iArchDK]I find it kinda bad that you JUST noticed.(if you just found this out, if you knew a few weeks ago nvm)[/quote]

I noticed the gun inbalance a long while back, but the tipping point was the sudden increase in second chance users...

Reply January 23, 2011 - edited