

biyomon3 #Chat Talk

General Chat

So My brother is screwed. A little bit ago, a police man came to the door and asked for my brother. I went and got him, then he ran out the back (3rd-4th time he's done that), Then my dad talked to him, and we found out that 6 SWAT team cars were outside. And now they have dogs looking for my brother. We still have no idea what he did, but they said he's going to jail today. (He just turned 18, sucks for him). Maybe now he'll think twice about smoking pot/drinking under age. (This has been coming to him for a while, im pretty happy cuz i hate him. He's such a bech to me.)

General Chat

Requesting help from girls. Throughout my life, I've thought of myself to be pretty ugly. I want to change that finally. I need some help from some girls for what to do with my hair. I will provide 2 pictures, One with glasses and one without glasses because i'm going to get contacts this year probably. [url=]With glasses[/url] [url=] Without glasses[/url] By the way, I'm going to get my mom to help with my eyebrows. They look to bushy to me.