

blademan #Chat Talk

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Why is British Columbia so Annoying? You know what ticks me off? What ticks me off is how in BC I can both vote and consent to sex at 18, but I can't gamble, drink, get a credit card etc. until 19? Wait, let me change that... why cant I LEGALLY do those things? I do them anyways, why should I have to do it illegally? Don't say "extra maturity" because those extra 365 days aren't going to change diddly squat. If I missed any letters in this post ignore it, I type too fast and my keyboard tends to miss a letter now and then.

General Chat

"What are you going to do after school?" The question that scares most teenagers, the question that is so difficult for some to figure out, and even haunts some of us. It is THE question that will decide the rest of your life. "What are you going to do after school". So I ask you basil, what are you going to do after high school? What are you going to do after post secondary education? Where do you plan on living, the big city, or the middle of nowhere? Any life goals? I guess I'll start. I'm in grade 12 right now. I plan on going to Vancouver to go to school at a culinary school. Moving from my hometown of 13 thousand 6 hours northeast of Vancouver, it will be an awesome time. I haven't decided if I'm going to go right

General Chat

Anyone with iPhone 4; Advice Needed. So with my car about to be paid off and being in grade 12 and soon to go to post secondary I am thinking of getting myself a phone. My plan is to go with Telus because I've never had a problem with them, I'm gonna go with a 3 year plan and the iPhone 4 will be $169 plus HST, and then going with the $65 per month plan which includes 300 minutes, unlimited texts, and 1 GB data. Would that 1 GB do for me? I'm not 100% if I'm about to make myself look stupid but; that 1 GB would go toward my internet usage, right? So Youtube, Forums, etc.? If I spent upwards of 3ish hours on forums with a bit of youtube stuck in there, would 1 GB be enough? How are you all enjoying your iPhone 4's anyways? I have an iTouch a

General Chat

Donkey Kong Country Returns So, the new Donkey Kong Country game is coming out tomorrow for the Wii, is anyone else here as excited as I am? I remember playing the original game way way way back in the past, and it was always fun... so far this new one looks great, they even kept some of the original music! This is very much a nostalgic game for me, and if it's anything less than perfect it will be sad, so hopefully they did it up right. It's actually the same company that made Metroid: Prime, which I've heard is good, so I am excited.

General Chat

Time to Vent About Telus So, here is my story and my vent. On Monday evening I visited the Telus online store, in order to purchase an iPhone 4. I've been with Telus for a while on Pay-And-Talk so I figured... what can go wrong? So I pay for the phone and recieve the "Order Confirmed" e-mail. It says in one section that "You phone will be courriered(I know thats spelled wrong) within 1-3 days" and another said 3-5 days. It says that once the item is shipped I will be e-mailed a tracking number. Awesome. So I figure... either way, my iPhone will be here by the weekend. Sweet. Well, here I sit on Friday evening without the iPhone, without a tracking number, and my impatient ass is pissed off. Just need to vent. Stupid Telu

General Chat

Haha, Way to Go, Boys! So, I play rugby with my high school. We're decent but we always have fun. British Columbia high school rugby, fyi. So, he is where the epic luls commence. I wasn't able to go on the trip this weekend, they left yesterday morning since tomorrow is Pro-D. This is the first trip I haven't gotten to go on, because of money issues (aka I don't have no moniez). Like usual, they go get a boot and find some alchohol, nothing out of the ordinary. But without me, they weren't careful enough. I'm "that guy" who finds places to his the booze since we aren't allowed to consume alchohol on school trips. If we do we get sent home. I have never gotten busted and I'm a senior this year. So they got the booze, but they decid

General Chat

Driving in Snow Since winter is upon us, on the west coast at least, I figured I would make this thread. Whether it was you driving and doing some drifting, or you mom losing control and hitting a pole, post some of your awesome winter driving stories. One of my favorites is from when I was young, my brother was driving me home in what was then a nearly brand new '02 Pontiac Sunfire GT, trying to scare me by swinging his back end into the other lane (empty, of course) when all of a sudden there is a cop, my brother nearly hits him, wound up getting a ticket. I personally love driving in the snow/ice, I love the slipping, I love the sliding, I love having to put it into 4x4. How about you all? Woops, seems my numb fingers pushed the wrong se