

Increasing my range

Hey, Basil.

My Battle Mage is currently level 151, with a clean range of 35-37k, and a buffed range of 65-69k.
As for my equips, I have a two-piece reinforced gollux set (belt and earrings), full RA except for staff, and an empress staff.
Most of my equips were either poorly ICOGed or clean.
I have about 8b to spend, how can I increase my range?

June 7, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


Get a fafnir staff and get some tyrants. start enhancing the tyrants a bit if u can but dont blow them up lol. along with this you can cube but you wont get 120k range out of 10% total damage. that will prob give you 5-6k range...

Reply June 8, 2014

Yea go do daily gollux runs, that way you get get a decent set with the earrings, ring, belt and pendant. Start with that first. Then with you're mesos get some cra gear and most importantly a fafnir staff.

Reply June 8, 2014

You could either get a Fafnir Staff or perfect your empress staff then transpose with SW staff. Not sure which one's better, but speed isn't really much of a factor now
Once you increase your range a bit more, you can start doing gollux everyday (you could probably do it now...) and buy scrolls to scroll your gollux items. If you can use the blue coin one, I think you should do that, then save the green coin one for service (moar $$$ ). I forget if it's solid -> reinforced or the other way around.

Reply June 8, 2014

Get a fafnir staff ASAP.
Get Tyrants. try to 5-star it / 7 if you have enough;
Gollux should be restricted to earrings, pendants, and rings.

Reply June 7, 2014

i think u should cube your staff/ shield/ emblem for total damage% or magic att%.
It would increase your range by a lot. 10% total damage gave me almost +120k range

Reply June 7, 2014