

Pain in my chest

Well, dunno how to describe it really, but whenever I breathe hard or deep, I feel a sharp pain around my lower inner rib, can anyone tell me the cause, treatment, and what it is or no clue?

March 16, 2011

12 Comments • Newest first


just go see or what not call a DOCTOR
they halp fix you and check on you
thats what you need, who knows what happened there

Reply March 16, 2011

Happens to me all the time.
Just ignore it. If it bothers you, call a doctor.

Reply March 16, 2011

[quote=joshhhfsho]I get that except near my heart. I always panic thinking it's a heartattack, and then it goes away and I forget ... till it comes back.[/quote]

Same here :o

Reply March 16, 2011

I think it might be a cold virus :o since it's the season is changing most ppl are getting allergies(idk if spelled right) and the flu season thing @_@
if it's a cold virus, then you doctor will prescribe some cough medicine, if you have Asthma or any other heart problems then use an unhaler(the pump things) @-@ or ask compressor/nebulizer system, but still check in with a doctor for prescription and stuff :o

Reply March 16, 2011

you might have a bruised/broken rib, if you've taken any hits there, that could be it, but i would ask a doctor, it might be actual respiratory problems

Reply March 16, 2011

I had something similar, but it went away on its own after a few months.

Reply March 16, 2011

collapsed lung or just a sore muscle

If you press the spot were the pain comes from does it hurt? Then it is most likely a sore musle!

If you really are in pain then see a doctor

Reply March 16, 2011 - edited

It could be a broken/fractured rib.

Reply March 16, 2011 - edited

It could be good, it could be bad. Personally, I'm used to getting these all the time. I know, it hurts right . I once had one for 6 hours straight and I was at Six Flags. Anyways, I generally get it when I over-exert myself. Sometimes when I'm doing a morning jog of like 3 miles, about half-way through the pain comes. Then it goes away after like half a mile. But as of now, don't overexert yourself...And if this is a new thing you've experienced, its probably best to go see your doctor because although my case wasn't serious, there are MANY serious cases including the same thing.

Edit: Oh, if the pain occurs when you're breathing as well, it might be serious. I suggest that you go to an urgent care or something of that sort as soon as you can - because you really shoudn't take any risks with this.

Reply March 16, 2011 - edited

i punch my chest
and i feel better
i had it like 5 times but now i dont have it anymore

Reply March 16, 2011 - edited

OH! I Just had this. It was a sharp pain around my chest.
I'm only 19, but it was a recurring thing. Did you happen to have strep throat recently?

My strep throat turned into paracarditis and a pluracy effusion. Which is when the protective lining around your heart starts to swell up and fill with fluids. Same with the pluracy effusion, but that was in my lung.
Went to the hospital multiple times, got hospitalized for 5 days, and had to have a giant needle shoved in my chest and into my paracardium in order to drain it through a tube and valve that was attached to me for 2 days.

Call your parents, tell them to take you to the hospital RIGHT NOW. If they're not around, call 911. Yes, you'll have to get an IV inserted into your arm, but you'll get one while you're in emergency anyways. So just do it.
Have any more questions. Feel free to PM me.

Doctors and Paramedics will NEVER mess around with chest pains. Especially if you're this young.
Thats my story. Dont know if you have the same thing. But feel better man, it's not fun.

Basilers: It's like someone is taking their fingers and jamming them through your ribs, and twisting multiple times. Each time you breathe.

Reply March 16, 2011 - edited

I play soccer mostly.

Reply March 16, 2011 - edited