bowmushro0m #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

serious hurricane revamp hurricane was what made archers proud. ._. it's what should put us above virtually every other class 1v1. so i'm thinking a revamp for it is in order. not so much a revamp wouldn't be a huge change. but i'd like to hear the ideas of the community. so far i've got four ideas (all would involve sacrificing ultimate inferno) idea 1. piercing hurricane. not like mm's pierce. it won't get stronger as it goes on and it won't ever hit more than 6 enemies. it also has no vertical range. in fact the only safe way to balance it out would be to cause the arrows to become weaker as they peirced. like cutting the damage in half with every new monster. this would keep piercing hurricane well below pierce as a mob att

General Bowman

The bowman good deed thread Alright let's see if I can get this started :) (ever be that one kid who stands up and says "LET'S GO GUYS!" and no one backs you up so you just sit back down? xD that's about to be me here lol) I'm a bowmaster. if you're reading this. you're probably a bowmaster too. so what have we become so famous for? being awesome ;D ..and nice. so use this thread kind of like you would the accomplishment thread. except for it'll be used to restore my faith in humanity...on maplestory :D so I'll kick it off: Yesterday I found BE30 and gave it to a random bowmaster who was unfunded and unable to get books (BE30 came from a mystery book dropped by a bearwolf) so bowmasters of basil, what'd you do to be nice recently?

General Bowman

boycott of blank or blank threads my friends on the bowmaster/marksman forum. I ask you for this simple favor, if you see a thread that says "what is better bm or mm" "whose stronger merc or bm" "wh or bm" etc etc. DO. NOT. POST. people are lazy. people are stupid. no matter how many times you give you opinion about which classes are better, no one is going to site it, or go back to it. stop wasting time and letting these threads fill up our section. it's gotten out of hand. i encourage you to report any and all which class should i choose threads. if you are ever tempted to make a thread like this: DO. NOT. YOU'RE. ANNOYING.

General Bowman

mikhail and how it effects us hello my fellow bowmen and bow-women. this thought has been in my head for awhile now and i decided it was finally time to ask what you guys thought: as we all know, kms released a class known as mikhail. a.k.a the dawn warrior chief. of course i'm not sure how this was a surprise to some people, we're out of explorer add ons, and we only really have 1 maple hero left. along with 1 resistance. nexon realized that in order to keep our class sheet growing, they'd have to dip into some new ideas. and of course something i know we've all wanted is a cygnus knight main. how amazing would it be to be a lvl 200 dawn warrior with your own set of elemental hero skills? so of course, mikhail did not surprise me at all. b

General Bowman

did i do my evernew right? ._. so as some of you might know, ive been working on perfecting all reverse gear (bow, overall, shoes, hat, AND gloves) and i will stay true to my armor even if i find better armor (VIP, lvl 140 chaos armor in the summer) but you also know that if a piece of armor doesnt go right, i can't sell it. i gotta start from scratch. so about my evernew 0 slots 22 dex 8 str other stupid stuff like def that no one cares about (6 60% scrolls passed 4 failed) 6% dex 9% avoid-unique. obviously i'll cube for more dex later on, but what do you guys think..good?

General Bowman

mikhail and how it effects us hello my fellow bowmen and bow-women. this thought has been in my head for awhile now and i decided it was finally time to ask what you guys thought: as we all know, kms released a class known as mikhail. a.k.a the dawn warrior chief. of course i'm not sure how this was a surprise to some people, we're out of explorer add ons, and we only really have 1 maple hero left. along with 1 resistance. nexon realized that in order to keep our class sheet growing, they'd have to dip into some new ideas. and of course something i know we've all wanted is a cygnus knight main. how amazing would it be to be a lvl 200 dawn warrior with your own set of elemental hero skills? so of course, mikhail did not surprise me at all. b

General Bowman

my first decent item C: so all of my items that i made by myself have been average. i'd say i did pretty well for myself for an unfunded bm (31% dex, all my requips are reverse cept my scar) today i cubed my reverse prestos (gloves) for 6% dex. the gloves were better then my 8 atts no matter what. so i figured, for lawls. i'd get 5 glove att scrolls and just throw em on my gloves xD since no matter what. they were better then 8 att's without pot. so now i have 6% dex 10 att reverse prestos. and i am happy c:...i will not sleep tonight. i am such a nerd..

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