bowmushro0m #Windarcher Talk

General Windarcher

bandwagoning the wind archer ...well i'm doing it. but can anyone call it a wind archer? i mean how many people had their main's as wind archers? so for those of you who care about bandwagons, would you say that bandwagoning a wind archer is just like bandwagoning a bm/mm/wh? (as in those of us who have an archer main get a free pass? personally i don't care. i've been a faithful bm for years, i think i've earned being OP xD also i need opinions on my ign iockewood (Iockewood) with anvil'd hat or Scarlings (i own a guild called scarlion)

General Windarcher

Vortex and its mechanics Okay so i noticed this at TP with other day. been trying to talk about it with but he's a noob and refuses to make a wind archer. EVEN WHEN SCIENCEEEE is on the line. So here's what i noticed. Thesis: It is possible to hit for 24 lines of damage on up to 9 mobs with vortex (for a total of 58k%) "24 lines? LUIGI YOU'RE A MADMAN. A GENIUS, ATTRACTIVE, ATHLETIC, PRO, COOL, STYLISH MADMAN!" I know. I know. please ladies ( ) hold your applause. we all know how splash damage works. inferno deals splash damage on 6 mobs within range of eachother. So what if each hit from vortex (9, 1 per mob) deals it's own splash damage for 230%? that's 9 hits, each being 2 lines. that's 18 lines of damage on top of the already